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Stroke recorder flip speed

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 08:54
by Greg Lawson
Using the stroke recorder, it seems like sometimes I’m able to draw more on one instance than another, which I guess depends on how quickly I’m moving the stylus before flipping to the next instance. This seems to not occur when I choose the Free Hand Dot mode, which I guess makes a brush draw only once per instance. There seems to be no way to control how quickly the instances are flipped, is that correct? Which means that it’s almost impossible to do timing with this tool, except by improvisation, taking out frames, shrinking or stretching a timeline, etc. Or is there more to the stroke recorder than I see?


Re: Stroke recorder flip speed

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 06:47
by Elodie
There is no "stroke recorder" in TVPaint. Do you mean "path recorder" or "drawing recorder" ?

Re: Stroke recorder flip speed

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 08:16
by Greg Lawson
Sorry, Elodie, I meant the "Stroke Animator". It's listed in the manual under the "General" tab.

Re: Stroke recorder flip speed

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 08:37
by Elodie
Oh ! Ok. In that case, no, you cannot change manage the timing and the drawing at the same time.

Eventually, you can start with a "timed" layer (your instances get different exposures) and if you uncheck the auto break, you will create a stroke on instances' heads only.

Re: Stroke recorder flip speed

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 09:31
by Greg Lawson
Thanks, Elodie, that sounds like a good solution. I'll test it out! :-)