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Re: interface change

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 17:26
by Henk Beumers
Hello Dean.
Out of the blue. If I touched something it was not noticeable and very easy to do. I have used tvp for so many years. Would it be logical to assume that I did something so simple to do wrong, many times before.
I don't know of any button or whatever else I could have hit that causes this freeze. If there was such an easy to hit button I would have long disabled it.
I pulled the plug from my computer and let it rest for an hour. After replugging, tvp works like "normal". But now the project opens on the left monitor full size behind the layer panel. I have to hit the -button in the right top. It becomes a post stamp size. I have to pick it up with the mouse and position it on the right monitor. Then resize it manually to get to work. This is going on for too long, so I tried to work on my laptop I use when I go to work outdoors. I plugged in the dongle, but tvp on my laptop refuses to recognize the dongle. Green light is on at the start, but stops after a few seconds and tvp shuts down.
Is it possibly a dongle issue also on my pc ?
I deleted the last update and disconnected the updates for Windows to see if this makes a difference. I don't know what else to do.
There is no other program I use, having issues like this.

Regards Henk.

Re: interface change

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 17:40
by Henk Beumers
And so it goes on. I just started tvp. It opens and the pen relation is gone. Readjusted in wacom preferences. After restart it is nomal again.
I hope these things make sense to you.

Re: interface change

Posted: 08 Jan 2025, 15:21
by Dean
Hello Henk, it is complex for me to visualize what could be going wrong with v10.5.7 if you have changed nothing, but your computer hardware and tablet model being quite old could be a lead.
It could also be due to the way your multiscreen setup is configured in Windows.
Maybe resetting your TVPaint's configuration could help: after backing up your custom brushes/keyboard shortcuts if needed, you can keep CTRL pressed when launching TVPaint, which will make the Startup Panel appear.
You can delete your TVPaint's configuration from there and then launch the software with all default settings and check if this helps.

Re: interface change

Posted: 08 Jan 2025, 18:19
by Henk Beumers
Hello Dean.
I'll figure it out myself.