Psychedelic Animation Created With TVPaint
Posted: 19 May 2016, 03:18
I made this music video with TVPaint:
Almost a year in the making, this 7-minute animation blends together a number of musical and artistic genres.
The story is simple: A man free dives into a sea of crazy, hallucinogenic imagery. The visuals become more intense and weird the deeper he goes!
I'm still learning a lot of techniques from this awesome, highly versatile software.
- Micah
Almost a year in the making, this 7-minute animation blends together a number of musical and artistic genres.
The story is simple: A man free dives into a sea of crazy, hallucinogenic imagery. The visuals become more intense and weird the deeper he goes!
I'm still learning a lot of techniques from this awesome, highly versatile software.
- Micah