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"Dîner de têtes"

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 17:02
by anncaro
Bonjour !

Voici la première image de mon prochain court-métrage, réalisée avec TVpaint pro, que je découvre petit à petit.
Ce film est une courte comédie musicale inspirée du "Chat Botté". La musique a été écrite et composée par Thierry Viel et Max Drobecq.
Je posterai d'autres images très bientôt.

Hi !

Here's the first image of my next short film, made with TVPaint pro, which i discover.
This film is a short musical, inspired by the "Chat Botté". The lyrics have been writen and the music composed by Thierry Viel and Max Drobecs.
I'll post new pictures soon.
Bye !

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 17:06
by malcooning
nice rendition.
looking forward to see more of it.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 18:05
by ZigOtto
pour une première image, c'est rudement bien gratté!
ce look "etching old school" en gris à peine teintés
convient trés bien à ce paysage de nature froid et hibernal.

en tout cas, si j'en crois ce que j'ai lu par ailleurs chez les Fous,
tu envisagerais de mixer plusieurs techniques dans ce projet,
je ne peux donc qu'approuver le choix de TVPA, c'est vraiment
l'outil idéal pour les animateurs-bidouilleurs-tembouilleurs
de tout poil...
n'hésites pas à poster dés que tu auras des problèmes à résoudre,
il y aura toujours quelqu'un pour t'aiguiller, ou te souffler une astuce,
un conseil, une méthode pour passer outre.
Si tu ne rencontres aucun problème, postes quand même, bien sûr !...

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 18:38
by anncaro
Thanks, Malcooning !
Merci, Zigotto ! Je n'hésiterai pas à poser les questions qui se présenteront sans doute à moi, vu le fameux mélange que je prévois...

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 22:25
by Patrice
Great! Nice first picture for your animation!

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 23:11
by Peter Wassink
this looks very nice!

a multiplane shot i presume?

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 08:12
by anncaro
Thanks Patrice ! Tvpaint is a great soft ! I love to draw with it.

Tantalus : it's not yet a multiplane shot, it's only a simple image... but i'll use the multiplane effect, i tried it and it's very interresting !

My next step : capture with my digital camera (canon g3). I did a trial and it's very impressive !

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 12:38
by malcooning
My next step : capture with my digital camera (canon g3). I did a trial and it's very impressive ![/quote]


Thought you are drawing in tvpaint. what will you be capturing?

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 12:58
by ZigOtto
malcooning wrote:... Thought you are drawing in tvpaint. what will you be capturing?
I think she plan to use and mix different sources (got with different technics) in her project,
f.i. video shot + stop-motion + digital drawings.
then, the big deal will be to unite, to combine all these various elements
and create her own graphic-univers.
and in this domain, no doubt : "TVPaint is you friend!"
the best "stew-pot" for creative kitchen-hands :)

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 13:49
by anncaro
Oh, i'm very sorry ! I forgot to explain...
I'll mix different type of images : drawing for backgrounds and accessories, stop-motion and pixilation for some parts of characters. To unite these different styles, i'll add some drawings on my photos. The video shots will be use in a very small amount, mixed to images, to add a feeling of "reality" in a very strange universe.
I'll post a new image very very soon, to show you.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 08:27
by anncaro
Et voici une image mêlant les différents éléments dont je parlais...


Here is a image mixing the differents elements i talked about...

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 20:37
by ZigOtto
this "collage" style could lead the animation in an interesting way,
keep posting you WIP, it's fascinating to see the baby from his early days... 8)

is this picture supposed to be a view from inside (warm light) ?

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 06:36
by anncaro
Hi Zigotto !
This picture is from outside. The warm light is coming from inside, through the playing cartes.
I'm not really satisfied by the way i use cartes. I think i'd better to draw some black lines on it too. But i must see it animated, because, in the beginning of the film, the night is coming, and the cartes will slowly be illuminated.
So, it's not a very easy project... but i'm not afraid, i like this ! And, with you, i feel not completely alone ! :wink:

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 06:59
by fabrice_

Plutôt sympa le mélange des styles :)
Je suis curieux de voir ce que çà donnera au final.
Bonne continuation anncaro !

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 07:57
by A1
the collage reminds me a bit of rosto ad's work :

and also of the works of dave mcKean

Not my cup of tea, but stunning work non the less :)