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[Solved]Resolution scaling Runtime Error in Win 10

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 11:35
by Greg Lawson
I tried changing the resolution scaling to "2" on my Cintiq Companion 2 running windows 10 and TVP v11.0.2 and got a "Runtime Error - This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information".
As I couldn't restart the program I had to re-install.

Re: Resolution scaling Runtime Error in Win 10

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 07:48
by Léo
Hello Greg,

As I work with a Cintiq Companion 2 with Windows 8, I will help you to solve this issue.

Please could you tell me exactly when the "Runtime Error" appears?
Does a window pop up before the Error appears? Like the Startup Panel or the TVPaint Windows in grey background.
If you could give me a screenshot, it will help to understand the issue.

Re: Resolution scaling Runtime Error in Win 10

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 08:22
by Greg Lawson
Hi, thanks Leo.

After changing the setting to "2", I get a window saying "You must restart the software to see this change".
When I try to restart the program, TVPaint starts to load but then the message I mentioned in my first post pops up and the software crashes.
To give you a screenshot I'd have to crash my system and once again re-install TVPaint. If necessary, I will, but I'd rather not. Let me know.

Re: Resolution scaling Runtime Error in Win 10

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 15:42
by Léo
Hello Greg,

I have to do some tests on Windows 10 about your issue.

By the way, instead of re-install TVPaint, I advise you to reset your configuration.
To do so, you just have to hold CTRL while you double-click on the icon of TVPaint.
A Startup Panel will appear, you will have to click on delete and then on Ok.
bhafibgg.png (31.7 KiB) Viewed 16817 times

Re: Resolution scaling Runtime Error in Win 10

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 16:31
by Greg Lawson
Hi Leo,

I restarted TVP with CTL as you said, made a copy of the default config, then loaded it, changed the scaling and rebooted...and the problem had vanished. Very strange.

So...scratch that bug - I guess. Seems that a lot of things get fixed if you just start with a new configuration. I'll check that option first in the future. But what causes these odd behaviors in the first place? That is the $64,000 question! :-)