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toggle light table display keyboard shortcut

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 13:29
by Joost
I would like to make a keyboard shortcut for the toggle light table display (the 0 button on the light table). I would like to be able to toggle it on/off or between 100 % transparancy and 0 %. I know for sure that it is possible because I used it before. When I search the keyboart shortcuts, I can't find it.

Can anyone help me out? (tvp 10.5)


Re: toggle light table display keyboard shortcut

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 14:03
by Sewie
Here it is.
Toggle Light Table.tvpx
(55.5 KiB) Downloaded 1057 times
I believe it was Lukas who made it but I might have modified it. Don't know anymore, credits go to Lukas.

Re: toggle light table display keyboard shortcut

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 09:26
by Joost

Re: toggle light table display keyboard shortcut

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 12:16
by elmisilhumano
What's the difference between this and shortcut"Layer:Light table mode" ? I see the button change the 0 button on light table and my shortcut toggles light table on and off but is there something else?


Re: toggle light table display keyboard shortcut

Posted: 19 Feb 2015, 20:37
by Sewie
"Layer:Light table mode" toggles the lighttable for one layer while the button above toggles the global lighttable, thereby toggling all layers that happen to have the lighttable mode switched on.