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Cutom Panel Help

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 01:03
by gekim
Hi i migrated from the Mirage side.... i fell in love with TVPaint the moment i saw the Animation disk feature and the Animation toolbar that comes with the program.
i've only been using the demo for a few weeks and i'm defenitely going to convince my instructors to make the switch.

anyway.... i have a question about further customization of custom panels and keyboard shortcuts


1. i'd like to know if it is possible to create button shortcuts for the "Main Panel" and "Menu Panel" in a custom panel

2. is there a way to toggle the panel's visibility by clicking on the same button? "click to open, click again to close"

3. Can i assign each of the buttons to a keyboard shortcut??

Re: Cutom Panel Help

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 10:17
by TVPaint
Hi Gekim,
Welcome here, glad to know you found what you were looking for :D
gekim wrote:1. i'd like to know if it is possible to create button shortcuts for the "Main Panel" and "Menu Panel" in a custom panel
Yes you can create a button to open these panels.
To do so, create a new panel or take an existing one, create an Action and select "Set Keystroke > Interface > Open Main/Menu Panel".
Note that these buttons will just open the panels.
gekim wrote:2. is there a way to toggle the panel's visibility by clicking on the same button? "click to open, click again to close"
The toggle functions for these panels don't exist. They will be available (as well as the Close Main/Menu Panels functions) in the next free updates of both TVP Animation and TVP Animation Pro.
gekim wrote:3. Can i assign each of the buttons to a keyboard shortcut??
Yes, as far as your button has a name, you can assign it to a shortcut :)

ps : The Toggle and the Close function have already been coded. They will be available in the next update ;)

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 11:24
by Patrice
Hi Gekim,
For know (until the next release) you can use a litlle script to toggle the panel's visibility. Just use the config file to write a mark the panel is opened or closed and use it to know which function you will execute.

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 21:06
by gekim
that sounds cool how do i do that? is that in the config.ini?

anyway... i can't wait for the next release.... hooray!

Posted: 01 Mar 2007, 14:10
by TVPaint
Hi Gekim,
I could have provided you with a little toggle script if there was a Close Main panel function but this one is not available in the functions, as well as the Close Menu panel.

As i said, these lacks have already been fixed and the toggle will be available in the next update of the softwares.
Sorry that you have to wait though :oops: but it will worth it 8)