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Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 11:42
by 8ball
Hi there,

I need some serious help about my custom brush.
It is really simple one and i get what i want except that brush have some "jitters", "zigzags", i dont know how to call it.
The line is not strait when a draw it in some angle or when i do curve Every parametar that i change line still isnt smooth like it should be.
Have same problem in the other programs like SketchBook, but somehow i menage to smooth it

What parametars should i change to make look "normal" without that "zogzags"?

Windows 8 64
Tvpaint 10 Pro 32
Wacom Cintiq 21UX

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 12:06
by Elodie
Can you post your custom panel (as a tvpx) with your brush inside ?

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 13:14
by 8ball
I can, ty

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 13:22
by Elodie
Well, if you want my opinion :

- jitter should be avoided if you do not want to have "zigzag"
- to draw normal lines, you should maybe use the simple pen brush
- if your zoom ration is not 100% (or a full value, like 50%), a kind of blur can be visible (but it does not exist for real, it's just because of the zoom ratio).

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 14:54
by 8ball
Jitter is set to "none".

I tryed with simple Pen Brush (its the closest to what i want) but still have the same problem

Controls that PenBrush have: Size: Pressure
Power: None
Opacity: cant have any control, default is 100%
Drying: checked
Gradient: off
AAliasing: checked

I really dont know where is the problem :((((((((((

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 14:59
by Elodie
8ball wrote:Jitter is set to "none".
Sorry, I meant "Shift" (I was using the French version).

What if you use the line smoothing ?

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:08
by 8ball
....and yes, i also considered zoom factor;
i work on various drawings on a full HD format, and if i zoom in/ out, or work in real size, the line is the same (zigzaggy, jittered, whatever)
...Like it have tendency to go straight on curves or angels. Maybe because pixels on monitor are putted in cross formation, i dont know.
On the other hand, how can i draw "normal" lines in Sketchbook or Photoshop, then its not problem with pixels.

bdw ty on ur earlier answer

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:10
by 8ball
on my custom brush i put line smoothing to best, without it it looks like hell

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:17
by Elodie
No, no, I meant this :
linesmoothing.png (11.19 KiB) Viewed 21815 times
If you increase the line smoothing value, you should have a better quality.
Tvpaint 10 Pro 32
What's your version exactly ? 10.x.x
The last version is 10.5.7 : if you are not using this version, you should update.

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:38
by 8ball
crap! i have 10.0.16 V
....and i cant find Shape options

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 15:44
by Elodie
Time to update, don't you think ?

Unless you are using a cracked version... If so, you will banned from the forum because there is no reason I lose time with someone who has not even purchased his/her license.

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 09 Jan 2015, 16:07
by 8ball
Really TY 4 ur time and effort to help me.
...and yes i have cracked version cause i dont have money to buy a legal one.

Feel free to ban me.

Re: Custom Brush HELP

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 07:39
by Elodie
Banned for using a cracked version.

Legal proceedings in progress.