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Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green * SOLVED

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 17:09
by Brusen
I know the Cutbrush is a very common subject, and forgive me if this has already been posted before?

Regarding the use of CutBrush:
Often when I work with simple scenes and feel I can use the same shapes or volume from an already made drawing, I color the needed part blue and cut it out, then I press "ctrl+z" to maintain my original black lines. Now i still have the blue drawing cut-out attached to the cursor and I can then put it behind a desired drawing with the "Behind" function (shortcut; F3). Which is very handy as I now have an easy erase-able sketch and I can proceed with my frames.
Now the question:
Is there a function that makes your cut-out selection Blue/Red/Green? Or is there a panel where you can edit the cut out without having to stamp it somewhere on the screen and thereby loose pixel-quality?

Here it is illustrated with some examples in screen-caps:
Picture above: Here is my already made drawing
Picture above: Here I have taken the CutBrush and made it blue (as described earlier)
Picture above: Here I have placed the drawing behind my current sketch so I can proceed with touching up, without having to erase any lines but the Blue ones afterward.

By the way, I know that it is a function in the software Pap

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 17:39
by furushil
This might help you:

After cutting out a brush, set it to Alpha Stamp instead of Color. Now you can pick any color you like.
You can also save blue/red/green color swatches in the palette bin or in a custom panel.
alpha stamp.png
alpha stamp.png (46.81 KiB) Viewed 16122 times

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 09:31
by Brusen
Thank you furushil,!

This will save me time in the future :)

:idea: I think it could be very helpful to have it as a "one-click button" so you would'nt have to press and hold to select the alpha function and then pick a color.
Maybe like this?:

Best regards Troels Brusen

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 14:52
by ZigOtto
why not to make yourself the "one clic" tool that you need ?
f.i. once your brush cut (freehand-cut or whatever ...),
turn your new custombrush in Stamp mode + select the Blue Color (from Blue-pencil)
could be embedded in the same button, like this :
stampinblue.png (12.38 KiB) Viewed 16093 times
(of course, this button assignable to a hotkey),

idem for a "Stamp in Red" or "Orange", or another color from one of the sketch panels.

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 17:48
by Brusen
Dear ZigOtto!

You rock! Thank you.
I'm slowly getting more into making all my buttons from scratch, but I think you just made the final push for me. Thank you! :)
Cheers, Troels Brusen

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 19:01
by ZigOtto
my pleasure . :wink:

Re: Make CutBrush selection Blue/Red/Green

Posted: 25 Nov 2014, 10:46
by Brusen
Just to sum up,
Here is the tool. Thanks to ZigOtto! :)
File: ... wCsfQ&dl=1

Best regards Troels Brusen