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Kiyan's gallery

Posted: 14 Jan 2007, 11:54
by Kiyan
Bonjour tout le monde !

Voila, je vous propose ma coloration d'un dessin réalisé par BigTof (, réalisée avec TVPaint Animation :D

voilou !


Posted: 14 Jan 2007, 12:12
by ZigOtto
nice coloring, Kiyan!
now, we want to see more of your personal stuff ... :)

Posted: 14 Jan 2007, 13:48
by Patrice
Hi Kiyan,
Great work!
Don't forget you can post your work into the galery.
I hope to see more work of you.

Since it is an international forum, can you speak english, please. If you prefer speaking french, you can use the French Community thread :wink:

Posted: 15 Jan 2007, 16:22
by Kiyan
oh yes, sorry, I'll speak english :D

I'll create my personnal gallery, and, I hope, update it as soon as possible!

Thank you for your comments !

Posted: 04 Mar 2007, 22:04
by Aïto
Hi all

J'aime beaucoup ta colo Kiyan, surtout le placement des textures nickel!

je suis fan :D

encore, encore....

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 23:19
by Kiyan
A new one !!

Drawn on paper and "black&whited" with (of course) TVPaint and the amazing brushes from Pyu and Ubik. In fact, one from the mangabox of Pyu (here) and the 3 from the Skyzo Toolbox of Ubik (here).
I also used a pencil from Tantalus' Pencil (here).

Little game: I only used the pencil one time. Just find where !! (it's very easy !)

Enjoy !


Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 07:48
by fabrice_
chapeau ! 8)

:idea: Please use the Demo-Recorder plug-in next time !

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 10:23
by Patrice
It is very impressive Kiyan! Is it possible you show us the different step of your work?

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 13:21
by Kiyan
Thanks Fabrice, I'll think to use this plus-in next time !! :P

Thanks Patrice too ^^ !! Here are the steps:

First, the drawing on paper, scanned and "clean"


Then, fluffy time, with one of the brush in the Mangabox. It Looks like a jakson five !! :wink:


Now, some more black with the "plume". A few black "traits" (I don't know the word in english...).


Here the use of the Skyzo Toolbox.


And, a little bit color now.. but very bright, now too visible ^^


I Added more light on the arms. It's was too dark..




And the fog !!!


voilaa !!

That was not so complicated and it took not so much time.. :wink:

have a nice day !!

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 13:38
by TVPaint
Nice job,
It's always very interesting to see the progess...
I like especially the fact that you used mostly unusual brushes for this drawing...
Can i ask for more please ? :D

edit : the Easter Bunny is kinda darkie this year :lol:

Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 19:35
by Patrice
Great Kiyan!
Very interesting job!
Thank you to share your work progress.


Posted: 29 Mar 2007, 19:40
by ubik
Full "skyzo" this fat rabbit! Braviskyzo Ô great Kiyan!

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 12:32
by Kiyan
Hello !!

So, I tried to do something withe the demorecorder plug-in :D It's a test for my end studies work (just like "le soliste" from jankaltor). It's not definitive, and may not appear in the film at all ^^ (I work with a friend and our film is in 3D.. so the 2D background may not be beautiful with 3D characters, and the friend may not like this neither.. ^^)

But let's see what I'm talking about !! ... dpetit.flv

Sorry, I didn't succeed to make a better quality film that wasn't too heavy to be placed in the gallery.. any idea for that ? ^^

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 14:39
by mika-chai
wow greate art work I really like it.

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 15:10
by anncaro
Thanks Kiyan for sharing your way of drawing ! I love your black black rabbit ! These are great brushes !