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All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 05:24
by Svengali
Here is a group of buttons (some old, some new or updated) that more or less deal with modifying layers.
All-Layer Buttons.jpg
All-Layer Buttons.jpg (44 KiB) Viewed 4119 times
What each button does:

the first four buttons act on the current frame for ALL layers
1. Inserts a new EXPOSURE of the current image (adds frame).
2. Kills the current image on all layers (removes).
3. Inserts new empty image on all layers (adds frame).
4. Clears the current image on all layers (erases) except locked or hidden layers.

5. Merge All Layers to a NEW TOP LAYER - combines all layers into a new layer with an option to BLEND or combine only those layers with the same color group as the current layer (The new merged layer defaults to hidden).
6. Toggle current LT - lets you toggle the LightTable of the current layer ON/OFF.
7. LayerFinder Plus button - update which now displays the status of ALL settings for each layer (added lt=LightTable for each layer and p=Pixels which indicates those layers which have pixels-images... layers with : (colon) instead of p are blank.)

As before, the clear all flags option will clear all flags/settings except of course those layers flagged with p (the pixels-images remain).

Feedback appreciated - report any problems, thanks!


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 09:07
by elmisilhumano
Thanks for sharing. Really useful panel.
The layer finder doesn't work on my mac. Some error with the george script.


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 10:29
by Elodie
Thank you for sharing Svengali !

Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 11:26
by elmisilhumano
Is the error with the layer finder OS X issue or is it just me??


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 13:17
by Elodie
It's bugging for me too ! (Mac OSx 10.9)

Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 17:25
by Svengali
elmisilhumano wrote:The layer finder doesn't work on my mac. Some error with the george script.

Sorry to hear...

What is the specific error message from the george script for LayerFinder? Is there a specific line number? If so, I'll take a look at my script.


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 07:53
by elmisilhumano
Svengali wrote:
What is the specific error message from the george script for LayerFinder? Is there a specific line number? If so, I'll take a look at my script.

The error message is:

Execution ERROR.
S = Char(Project,Counter)


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 08:34
by Thierry

At line

Code: Select all

IF CMP(Project,"\")
"\" is only for Windows.
On Mac and Linux, it is "/".

When you save the project in a path with another "." than the extension of the file, the script will stop on the first one (at line 25).

Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 18:36
by Svengali
Thierry wrote:Hello,

At line

Code: Select all

IF CMP(Project,"\")
"\" is only for Windows.
On Mac and Linux, it is "/".

When you save the project in a path with another "." than the extension of the file, the script will stop on the first one (at line 25).

Hello Thierry,
I've never used a Mac at all, so thank you for that info. And you are right about the "." too... I forgot about that since I almost never use multiple "." in names. :oops:

I've posted A new version of LayerFinderPlus (in the updated TVPX) which should trap for both Mac and Linux path separators as well... and also bypass multiple "." in names. :D

Thanks again, feedback appreciated.


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 18:46
by Svengali
elmisilhumano wrote: The error message is:

Execution ERROR.
S = Char(Project,Counter)

Thanks for your feedback... when you have time, could you please try LayerFinderPlus again and let me know if it behaves now?


Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 19:18
by D.T. Nethery
Svengali wrote:
elmisilhumano wrote: The error message is:

Execution ERROR.
S = Char(Project,Counter)

Thanks for your feedback... when you have time, could you please try LayerFinderPlus again and let me know if it behaves now?


Seem to be working correctly here. (Mac OS 10.7 , running TVPaint 10.5.3 32bits) .

Thanks for the panel. Very useful.

Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 06 Nov 2013, 20:59
by Svengali
Thanks Dave! :D

Re: All-Layer Buttons Panel

Posted: 07 Nov 2013, 07:55
by elmisilhumano
Now it works. Thank you. This is a one really good panel. :D
