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Timeline and jagged lines

Posted: 16 Aug 2013, 22:10
by anguscoleman
Good evening to all the community,

is the first question that place. I apologize if this is an issue which has been addressed elsewhere. The point is that I have been studying TVPaint for a couple of days now, and I got a little problem wich I cannot find answer to: when I watch the animations I notice my drawings (done with pencil from sketch panel) in sequence show jagged lines. Not so when I watch them still. That happens only if I watch the animation with zoom below 100%.

Is there a way to risolve it or do I have to watch the animation always to 100%?

thank you very much


Re: Timeline and jagged lines

Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 08:58
by slowtiger
In order to give you a correct playback speed, TVP reduces image quality a bit. This is not an issue since the rendered animation will be perfect.
There's a setting for this somewhere, but I haven't touched it in years ...

Re: Timeline and jagged lines

Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 09:15
by anguscoleman
ok, thank you very much, Slow. If it happens you remember the command for setting the quality of playback do not hesitate to tell me. Even in future. Ciao :)

Re: Timeline and jagged lines

Posted: 17 Aug 2013, 09:47
by Sewie
It's in the Preview Settings. Top menu bar > Windows > Settings > Preview Settings.