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Share my happiness with you guys :)

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 18:15
by dan
Hello everybody,
Today I've reached 15,000 Subscribers on my YouTube channel:
My original goal was to gain 15k subscribers by the end of the year, I'm very happy that it happened 6 month earlier. :D

My channel keep on growing with more animation fans, people are keep on asking for tutorials, short cartoons and animated songs... and I'm doing my best to keep my subscribers happy so MORE CARTOONS will come soon, stay tuned. :wink:

:idea: BTW - We're looking for sponsors to put in front of our future cartoons, so TVPaint team if you're reading this and interested, for more details feel free to contact me I'll be happy to collaborate with you.

* Sorry about my bad English.

If you've never ran into my cartoons before, Feel free to watch them and hopefully you'll Enjoy:

My latest Cartoon: "Don't Touch"

Re: Share my happiness with you guys :)

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 20:43
by Fabrice
I want to sponsor this one : :mrgreen: especially when reading the comments on youtube :mrgreen:

Re: Share my happiness with you guys :)

Posted: 06 Jun 2013, 21:01
by dan
If you only knew about the things people asking me on my YouTube inbox related to this video and others...
90% of the inbox are questions about what software I use and if I can make more tutorials to show my work flow.

But seriously, feel free to contact me if you'll be interested because my views will only grow, my audience built mostly from people who either like animation or want to create animation and my videos won't go away as long as YouTube is alive...