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Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 03:50
by NickA
When I use view:flip horizonal while zoomed in on one side of the canvas it flips over so I am seeing the other side of the canvas (which I am not working on). I then have to pan over to see what I was previously looking at.

I would like the option to have view: flip be based on the current window's centre to prevent all this panning every time I flip. :D

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 05:12
by Mads Juul

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 09:18
by Elodie
Hmm, interesting :)

But I don't know if it's possible (I think it is, but well... I'm just a poor commercial girl :mrgreen: )

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 13:12
by Svengali
You can create a button or a shortcut key that will do this...

BUTTON: Assign the following two lines to a button:
1. Key:Image:Flip Horizontally
2. Key:Zoom:Next Zoom Window

SHORTCUT KEY: Assign these two instructions to a single key:
1. open Shortcut list (Control K usually)
2. select the key to be used
3. choose Image:Flip Horizontally and press assign
4. choose Zoom:Next Zoom window and press control+assign
5. click OK to close and save

To use:
1. first, Under the View Menu create a new Zoom Window
2. adjust zoom to part of image you want to view
3. press Button which brings up and flips the second Zoom Window
4. adjust zoom to part of reversed image you want to view

5. each future press of the Button (or shortcut key) will give you the other zoom view - normal or reversed.


Elodie: sometimes "commercial girl" in English means something else. :oops:

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 13:45
by NickA
Thanks Sven, that was very helpful and set me on the right track.

I set it up a little different though, in my alternate zoom window I just flipped the zoom once horizontally, set it in place, and then used a shortcut button (or ctrl+tab) to toggle between the zoom windows.

Its great that I only have to set up the view once, which is good enough for me.

It never would have crossed my mind to use the zoom window technique, so thanks again Sven. :D
Its another little thing that will shave off lots of milliseconds and will encourage me to check my drawings more that way.

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 07:32
by Mads Juul
But still I think to Flip around the Windows center is a good Feature request/Improvement. I think it is a more Logical and beautifull way this feature should work . So even though it can be done in another way(I have not tried it) I still think this feature request should be implemented. It should be faily simple it is just a question about how the properties of the zoom window scale, x, y should behave during a View: Flip Horizontal and View : Flip Vertically. And this should be fairly simple I guess.

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 10:28
by NickA
Agreed, it would be a few less steps each time and would be a bit better.

Re: Option to make View:Flip be based on the window's centre

Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 06:27
by NickA
This same logic would also be useful when rotating the canvas via choosing a degree increment or resetting the rotation. :D