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Posted: 01 Sep 2012, 14:29
by jbardakos
Hello all

I 've been using TVPaint for everything for our animation studio
from storyboards/animatics/ frame by frame manipulation/correction/editing
and tons of illustrations/character design/comics .

I will start a daily comic /sketch/ series called Tautologies
here is a little preview

and of course the little intro vide was tvp as well ;)

hope u like them :)
and hope u enjoy them :)


Re: Tautologies

Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 14:12
by joz
I think, we can feel in your draws all the duality of depress/hopeness that people can have (in Greece and somewhere else) with the chaos of crisis. But with a lot of humor and a good sense of rhythm ! Some friends of mine make a little documentary about that in Athen, Thessaloniki and Pathmos, I give us your link.

Re: Tautologies

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 13:17
by jbardakos
Hello joz!
that is the feeling exactly.
(sorry i didn't check the forum for some time )

If u feel the beast of depression devouring everyone around you
there is no day that i don't think about moving away to another country...
(lots of talented friends and colleagues have already)
Please send me a link ! i would love to see it!

(PS not to mention the huge increase of neo-nazis the lack of democracy and freedom of speech etc etc)...

Re: Tautologies

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 11:48
by lemec
These are really great.

Re: Tautologies

Posted: 07 Nov 2012, 12:21
by jbardakos
thank you /merci :-)

it's been 2 months already and i would love
to produce short animations based on some of
the comic strips :p
