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Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 16:12
by MrChoy

I've recently upgraded to winfdows 7 64bit and Installed TVP Pro 10. I am in the niddle of doing an animatic and now it seems like TVP doesn't recognise any audio.
I initially thought it was the clients wav file but that open fine in sound forge. Changing the sample rate doesn't help and TVP won't open any mp3's either.

This all worked fine under 32bit.

Anyone have any ideas. I need to get this working asap or use another app for my animatic.

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 16:44
by Hervé
Hi Dave

Any 64bits codec pack ( like ... 64-bit.htm" onclick=";return false; ) should fix this problem

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 16:46
by MrChoy
Thankyouthankyouthankyou Thank You :D
I'll download and give it a go

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 17:27
by MrChoy
AH. That didn't seem to fully clear up the problem, though I can seem to import MP3 versions of my tracks now.
Any idea why the WAV's might not be working in TVP? I can open them in After Effects, Sound forge, winamp and Sony Vegas?

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 05 Jul 2012, 19:40
by CartoonMonkey
Dave, I've noticed that importing .wav files works in the clips individually, but not in the audio clip spanning timeline..

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 05 Jul 2012, 19:47
by Paul Fierlinger
Hmm... I don't have that problem.
EDIT: My list of audio codecs from TVP's export/import panel:
PCM (which I use)
Microsoft ADPCM
GSM 6.10
CCIT u-Law

Does anyone here have a different list?

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 11:43
by idragosani
Actually, I am seeing the same issue on Linux now... can't load WAV files, even for projects that had soundtracks added previously. Running from a terminal, I see this:

/usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ undefined symbol: _Z10av_rescalelll
nOS::LoadLibrary() : Cannot load library /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ undefined symbol: _Z10av_rescalelllImportFunctionList() : LoadLibrary() failed : /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/

Appears to be a symbol mismatch in the shared library.

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 11:47
by MrChoy
I can't confirm at the moment. I've just re-formatted my system again (And lost all my brushes because I forgot to back them up - bah)
Could this be a 64bit issue? I don't remember having it on my 32bit TVP?

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 12:15
by Eric Scholl
idragosani wrote:Actually, I am seeing the same issue on Linux now... can't load WAV files, even for projects that had soundtracks added previously. Running from a terminal, I see this:

/usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ undefined symbol: _Z10av_rescalelll
nOS::LoadLibrary() : Cannot load library /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/ undefined symbol: _Z10av_rescalelllImportFunctionList() : LoadLibrary() failed : /usr/share/tvpaint-developpement/tvp-animation-10-pro/plugins/loader/

Appears to be a symbol mismatch in the shared library.
Yep, this problem ( for Linux ) should be fixed with the next update :D

Re: Urgent! - Unable to import audio

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 16:47
by Henk Beumers
Hi all.

I have the same codecs as in Paul's list. No problem to get any type of sound in. I use W7 pro 64. Can't remenber having that problem when I started to use W7.