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TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 18:13
by Henk Beumers
Hello everybody.

I still have the same problem that becomes quite annoying. Not every day but still to often to get really pissed of sometimes. I now can discribe it better then last time.
"I have a regular pattern of squares. Now I want to put them into perspective with the WARP tool. I first select the whole pattern with the SELECT tool. Then with the WARP tool I enlarge the upper side to make the squares in front wider.
The moment I hit apply The computer shuts down. Nobody else having this problem. Can someone copy this procedure. If nothing happens the problem must be my machine or OS.

Henk Beumers.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 18:53
by Peter Wassink
Hoi Henk,

here it works without problem.
i'm on TVP10 pro, windows vista

could you give more details ?
project size, resolution etc...
maybe a screenshot of the "before apply" situation.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 20:48
by Henk Beumers
I realize the previous message starts a bit fuzzy. See my earlier posts. From the beginning I had these weird crashes with TVP 10pro. For a while the problem seemed to be solved, but it was never realy gone.
Now, all of a sudden, it's back full size. And now I can repeat it time after time.


Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 21:38
by Henk Beumers
Hallo Peter.

If you can repeat the procedure without having a problem, it must have something to do with my configuration.
The project size is 1920x1080. 3 layers B&W drawings. Linetest. Nothing fancy or heavy. I just go trough the before mentioned procedure and when after I applied the WARP, I go back to my drawing tool and, Bang it shut's down.
I made 3 screendumps. 01 is before WARP with selection on. 02 is WARP applied. 03 after click on drawing tool. Happens every time. As I remember almost all the previous shutdown's where related to the move/enlarge/warp tool.
I hope somebody can make some sense out of this. It keeps bugging me.


I can't figure how to upload more than one attachment so I uploaded the second one.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 21:50
by Henk Beumers

This one is for Elodie. I updated to 10.05. Is it possible I have to reset the system again as you told me so the first time?

I use TVP 10.05 pro. On windows 7 pro 64bits. I update everything regularly.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 07:30
by ematecki

10.0.6 is out... but I doubt it will fix this crash bug.

You just enlarge the top ?
I mean, you don't touch the height not the bottom width ?
I need as much info as possible, because this is propably due to some combination of source vs destination size, thus making it hard to reproduce, but relatively easy to fix once reproduced.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 07:34
by Elodie
Henk Beumers wrote: This one is for Elodie. I updated to 10.05. Is it possible I have to reset the system again as you told me so the first time?
Well, you can try. I can't reproduce your bug neither :?

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 13:51
by Henk Beumers
Hi Elodie.

I tried but it changes nothing. Still the same error. I'll try not to use WARP anymore.


Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 14:08
by Elodie
Use the FX in "distortion > perspective" :)

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 27 Apr 2012, 20:33
by Henk Beumers
Hello Elodie.

Warp is not there to not use it. And there is always that first time. I just planned to not use it again anymore but to my surprice just a minute ago, TVP crashed again on a new one.
I'm in KEYING/ADVANCED KEYER. I try a few things to find a better way of keying. I normaly use Color key but I wanted to try another way. In KEYER MODE the defauld is RGB. The moment I press HSL, I got the same instant crash. After restart
same thing happened. Oké, I leave that funtion alone also, but does it give you a clou why this is happening. I tryed to find out what is wrong but so far no luck. Nobody seems to make sense of it.

Regards Henk.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 28 Apr 2012, 15:41
by Henk Beumers
Hi elodie.

How can I reset TVPaint to the defauld settings without reinstalling. Maybe there are some ajustments I made in the preferences causing the crashes.

Regards Henk.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 28 Apr 2012, 16:05
by Paul Fierlinger
Open TVP by pressing down CTRL -- wait a few seconds. The starter screen will open and select default and New.

Re: TVPaint shuts down when using warp.

Posted: 02 May 2012, 21:20
by Henk Beumers
Hi Paul

Thanks, but no luck. It must some stupid combination of elements that's causing this anoying behaviour.
I can use warp as long as I don't use it in a selection.

Regards Henk.