BackFill 1.0

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BackFill 1.0

Post by CartoonMonkey »
(37.87 KiB) Downloaded 283 times
Ok, may as well put this out here.. a little panel I use to clean up storyboards and comics.
Are you constantly painting in 100% opaque color behind your characters so that you can place them over existing artwork / layers?
This panel may be of some help to you.

BackFill 1.0
Right now this panel only works on projects containing only one layer to begin with!
And your image must be scan cleaned!

(black lines on transparent background) (your black and white scan cleaned artwork for example)
backfill.gif (21.22 KiB) Viewed 1816 times
Since I don't know a lot of George script, this panel is used by hitting three buttons in order.

1: Sets the A:B pens to White / Red and centers the image at 100% on the screen
2: Makes a new layer and fills it with white, then makes a 2nd second empty layer.
3: Fills empty layer with red, using the fill tool with gap detection set at 10 and "display" mode. Then creates a stencil, and merges / erases the outside fill.

You are then left with two layers. Your original artwork on the top layer and a filled white shape on the bottom layer.
Hope it helps someone.
If anyone can improve the technique, please feel free.

(.zipped .TVPX file attached)

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Re: BackFill 1.0

Post by Svengali »

I see now why you wanted to find the George command to select the SOURCE for a fill. That is critical to scripting a one step, fill behind, solution. :idea: :roll: :shock:


[edit] ... but maybe not. Oops, gotta go to work, but I'll work on it this afternoon!
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Re: BackFill 1.0

Post by CartoonMonkey »

Indeed.. I'll try tweaking this more later this evening too..
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