lighttable in side bins

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Mads Juul
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Location: Viborg,Denmark

lighttable in side bins

Post by Mads Juul »

I think it could be nice if the Lighttable panel could be placed in the side bins. Maybe with a slider at the buttom so you can see all of the panel. and dont have to give it a new layout for the side bins. Just a scroll bar at the buttom
Mads Juul
Storyboard Artist
Mail: mjstoryboard@gmail .com

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Re: lighttable in side bins

Post by Kwadrope »

Yes,I Kinda agree.
But given that the lighttable is quite wide I wonder about the practicality

so I would suggest, why not a HORIZONTAL 'side" bin on TOP? and along side it you could place other Panels as well. that way all 4 sides have a function,and can save real estate.
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