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Looking for TV Paint animators

Posted: 28 Sep 2006, 16:55
by Yoav Segal
The Battle of Cable Street - lead animator Asaf Agranat

This is a call to all TV paint animators.

I thought you may be interested in a project I'm working on and hopefully be able to help out. It's called the Battle of Cable Street. The script won the UK Jewish Short Film Fund. It's a mix of live action, rotoscoping and traditional frame by frame painted animation.

The film is about the event in 1936 when Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirt fascists were stopped from marching though the East End of London by Jews, Irish, Communists and anti fascists. This year is the 70th anniversary of the demonstration. My grandfather was one of the men who helped orchestrate it.

We are in full production now, we have shot the live action and are rotoscoping and animating in a studio on Finchley road, London. The lead is a guy called Asaf Agranat. His film "a bus ride with flowers in her hair" won an award at Krokk this year (it also won a scottish Bafta and RTS award).

It's all coming together but it premieres on Nov 4th at the UK Jewish Film Festival and then goes on a national cinema tour. We grade at MPC at the end of October.

We need animators to come in and work on top of the Asaf's line test. There is still a lot to creatively bring to the project. If you would like to be involved in any of the other processes this would also be great. Unfortunately we cannot pay.

I've put two clips in the gallery. One for the coloured animation and some of the drafted scenes and one for the rotoscoping. I've also loaded in two of the colourscripts.

key word - Cable Street

We could really do with the help of the community. It's shaping up to be a very exciting film. Please email with any thoughts or questions. Also any creative feedback would be great. Please email to:-

All the best,

Yoav Segal x

Posted: 28 Sep 2006, 20:21
by fabrice_
Thank you to share this information here.

I would be happy to help but I'm actually very busy with the next comming TVPaint software.
Answering to your questions regarding the TVPaint technology is all I can do for the moment.
I really hope you will find some talented animators to help you.

PS: The colored scripts and videos are very interesting. Please post a link here once the project will be finished.

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 00:57
by Yojimbo
Those rotoscope clips look pretty amazing! So Asaf is a TV Paint user now, huh? He seemed to be one of the stars over on Bauhaus not long ago.

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 07:32
by A1
looks amazing!
Unfortunatly my time is filled with my own projects untill the end of this year.
I do hope you will find a helping hand.
good luck.


Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 08:18
by Yoav Segal

Thanks for the great responses and yes... Asaf has moved across.

I hope all your projects go brilliantly. I just started using TV Paint and am amazed at the support on offer.

Do spread the word and if anyone has any ideas do let me know.

Thanks again,

Yo x

Posted: 29 Sep 2006, 09:00
by TVPaint
Hey Yoav,
Thanks for sharing some works with the community !
I keep looking for another users and wish you good luck.
