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Larger Icons for Bins and Custom Panels?

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 04:29
by Greg Smith
I really like TVPaint's ability to form containers for custom brushes, each one specific to a certain set of images. My problem, so far, has been with being able to recognize the individual brushes in each of my custom brush sets. The icons are just too small to be clear, in and of themselves. The only thing that helps is textually labeling them. Is there any way to create a custom sized icon that is large enough to show each brush recognizably?


Greg Smith

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 10:49
by Patrice
It is impossible to change the size of the icons in the custom panel. But you can set the icon you want. Just draw what you want as icon and grab it as a custom brush. Then set your custom brush as icon for the custom panel button.

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:26
by Greg Smith

Are you saying that you can assign a different custom brush as the icon for the custom brush you really want to use, thus providing the clearest possible image for the icon?

How is this done?


Greg Smith

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:30
by TVPaint
Hi Greg,
What Patrice said is that when you grab a current tool in order to store it in a custom panel, an icon is automatically generated from the preview of the grabbed custom brush.
This icon can be modified as you wish but, unfortunately, you cannot change the size of the icon.

Hope it makes sense :p


Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 18:58
by Peter Wassink
Greg Smith wrote:Patrice:

Are you saying that you can assign a different custom brush as the icon for the custom brush you really want to use, thus providing the clearest possible image for the icon?

How is this done?


Greg Smith
you first create the 'action' with the custombrush that you wish to really use.
then you can pick up a new custombrush that you want to use for its icon,
now you go back to the button and click edit, if you now click on 'tool' the button will have the icon from your last brush but still draw with the original one

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 19:23
by Greg Smith
Thank you Peter for the step-by-step. Some of these intricacies of the software are just not that obvious to a new user.

Greg Smith