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Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 09:31
by painterX
Is it possible to fill an object with colour, altgough i have gaps in my drawing. is there any possibility?

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 09:53
by ematecki
In "Filling Shape", use "Gap Closer", try different values depending on the size of your gaps.
Maybe add a bit of "Expand".

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 10:14
by painterX
Thanks, i will make it. Can you say me, if I have a character, who runs and i want to color him. So i create a new layer and color the first frame. the colour is complecated. is there any possibility not to color all frames manual?

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 11:04
by slowtiger
TVP has no ability to detect the "same" shape on following frames. However, if your character doesn't move a lot and the fill areas are big enough, you could try a flood fill on the first frame, undo, select all frames, and hit re-apply. Chances are that you don't have to correct too many frames, if the point where you click in the first frame is inside the to-be-filled areas in the consecutive frames.

Duplicate your layers first!

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 11:52
by painterX
is it possible,to see all, what is in the gray area(what isnt in the stage)? sometimes it would be helpful.

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 12:13
by ematecki
And you can use "Auto Pick Color" in "Filling Shape".
This will pick the color of the previous frame at the same spot you clicked in the current frame.

Use the light table to see the previous frame, adjust transparency to your liking.
When you finished the first frame, hiy the right arrow to move forward, and click in each erea to be filled where it superposes with the same area in the previous frame.
If the areas don't superposes, mouse down in the "source" area, drag to the destination area, release mouse.


Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 13:55
by slowtiger
Outside the "stage" - the project window - there is nothing.

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:49
by painterX
is it possible to select a peace in a drawing and to modify? I have try it with the Tool: Select and then with the tool:Panning. but it modifies the whole drawing.

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:58
by Eric Scholl
It should work if you use the tool "Select" to select the piece you want to modify and then use the tool Panning or Warp (without unselect).

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 11:58
by slowtiger
Have a look at the options of the Pan tool. Check "Move Selection".

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 12:11
by painterX
It doesnt work. if I go to the Tool: Select, and select a peace in the drawing, I go to Tool: Panning (Warp) und choose: Apply to Selection(not apply to Image). And move the drawing.But still it moves the whole drawing.

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 19:43
by Animark
SelectionMove.jpg (69.41 KiB) Viewed 20099 times

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 11 Oct 2011, 21:46
by ZigOtto
painterX wrote:... But still it moves the whole drawing.
I can't reproduce your issue here, but I've found another one (bug?) :
after selecting a part of the drawing, the Pan tool set on "Selection Content" when I click&drag to move the selected part,
it doesn't "apply" the moving the first time, I have to hit (for Undo) and [Enter] (for re-Apply) to make the change applied and effective.
maybe a "refresh" display issue ...? if I go on and move again, the 2nd time (and all others), it works as expected,
so only the first panning isn't displayed correctly in the project window.

Panning by using the Transform tool works fine.

Re: Colouring and Stage

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 18:43
by Elodie
Painter X : did you update your software ? That bug has been already fixed :)