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Anything Like Painter's Image Hose Available in TVPaint?

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 22:37
by Greg Smith
I've really become addicted to using the image hose in Painter, for years, now. I've seen some TVPaint custom brushes that use a similar "stamping" technique, but can you create a custom brush that allows you to scale and orient the stamps in a similar manner to Painter's image hose? (i.e. randomly, linearly, spray).


Greg Smith

Re: Anything Like Painter's Image Hose Available in TVPaint?

Posted: 11 Sep 2006, 22:57
by artmaestro
Greg Smith wrote:I've really become addicted to using the image hose in Painter, for years, now. I've seen some TVPaint custom brushes that use a similar "stamping" technique, but can you create a custom brush that allows you to scale and orient the stamps in a similar manner to Painter's image hose? (i.e. randomly, linearly, spray).


Greg Smith
Just in case anyone is curious to what he is refering to (as I was) here's a link

and yes I've seen brushes that emulate stuff like image hose, just don't ask me how to make them yet because I'm still learning how to use the software :)

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 07:11
by A1
i think animated brushes is what you are looking for.
--To be found in the manual (Topbar:--Help--tvpaint animation help)

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 08:23
by fabrice_
ok, I just read all :

Greg, you should take a look at the animated brushes. I think it is what you need.
The concept of "animated brush" is described in lesson 4, page 18 to 19.
To create an animbrush, you only have to create an anim layer, draw inside, select all frames and cut out a animbrush.

This is particulary powerful if you use the connections settings (small letters near the size, power, angle, opacity parameters) with your graphic tablet: it can really be new tools to make you paint.
(all is explained in user-manual lesson 6, page 7 to 10)

Some other exemples are here : (blood, serpent brush, etc.) and here (this picture was drawn with animbrushes)
Don't forget to try the default "tool bin" panel of the software. :wink: