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Change project start frame

Posted: 22 May 2011, 11:52
by ryberg
Is it possible to change a project's start frame?

I've accidentally made a project that starts from frame 0 in the timeline. I'd like it to start at 1.
Do I really need to make a new project and copy the layers from the old project?

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 22 May 2011, 14:01
by ZigOtto
a script command allows you to change it :
tv_starframe [0/1]

go and see this topic : change the timeline startframe number

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 22 May 2011, 14:32
by ryberg

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 09:01
by Keep Shooting
Starting to use the Georgescript. And I am trying to get this set startframe parameter to work, but I am probably overlooking something. Could you tell me where I go wrong?
Toolbar with button "1" > Edit > 0:Command: tv_StartFrame [1]
(working on OS 10.6 Mac)
Thanks, Conny

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 13:00
by D.T. Nethery
Keep Shooting wrote:Starting to use the Georgescript. And I am trying to get this set startframe parameter to work, but I am probably overlooking something. Could you tell me where I go wrong?
Toolbar with button "1" > Edit > 0:Command: tv_StartFrame [1]
(working on OS 10.6 Mac)
Thanks, Conny
I'm on Mac OS 10.6 and I use this custom panel that Herve uploaded in the Contents Sharing thread HERE :
Start_Frame_1_0.png (10.25 KiB) Viewed 24271 times
This requires no rescripting of the parameters to use. Just click on the "1" button: the start frame changes to 1 , or click on "0" button: the start frame changes 0. Nothing else to it.

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 20:36
by Keep Shooting
Thanks, but I already tried to open this panel.
It will open a 'new toolbar' and it won't change anything in a 'new toolbar' when importing the 'custompanel.bin'...
folders custompanaldata has two files in it (buttons I suppose) and the cusompanel.grg is empty
(as the 'instancepanel' is working perfectly by importing the instancepanel.bin)
Am I missing something here?

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 00:22
by D.T. Nethery
Keep Shooting wrote:Thanks, but I already tried to open this panel.
It will open a 'new toolbar' and it won't change anything in a 'new toolbar' when importing the 'custompanel.bin'...
folders custompanaldata has two files in it (buttons I suppose) and the cusompanel.grg is empty
(as the 'instancepanel' is working perfectly by importing the instancepanel.bin)
Am I missing something here?
Oh, ok, I misunderstood you from your previous post. I thought you were trying to change the parameters of the Start Frame custom panel .

I didn't realize you meant that the panel was not functioning for you at all.

This will need to be answered by someone more expert than me . I have no idea why it won't work for you . I am also on Mac OS 10.6 and it works fine for me.

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 08:39
by Keep Shooting
"I thought you were trying to change the parameters of the Start Frame custom panel ."

Thanks. Sorry, I was not very specific indeed: I 'll try again to explain myself more clearly.
Importing the Hervé panel: it will not open when I import it.
But then it is no problem to make a custom panel with a button. And I found the StartFrame script in the wiki-george: when I apply that to a button nothing happens.
So my thought on this: I am missing something in the steps I would have to take to make it work and I am out of idea's on where that step would be.

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 09:19
by Eric Scholl
Keep Shooting wrote: Importing the Hervé panel: it will not open when I import it.
Hi Keep Shooting,

Importing a custom panel won't open it. You have search it in the top menu. Go to "Windows => Custom panels => The panel you imported".
If you still don't see it, then search it in side panels.

I hope it will help you.

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 13:02
by Keep Shooting
Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply.
I will try to show what is happening:

I do get the custom toolbar, but without any functionality. And I do not see how to get it in there.
Any suggestions?

Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 13:26
by ematecki
Hi keepshooting,

Were do you get these .bin and .data files from ?
In the posted zip file, there in a single .tvpx file.
You drop that .tvpx file onto a running TVPaint and it will be installed.

Maybe the app you used to decompress the zip does crazy ?


Re: Change project start frame

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 15:16
by Keep Shooting
"Were do you get these .bin and .data files from ?"

Wel I downloaded the link given earlier in this thread (on an iMac OS X 5.8 ) so it could be the OSses unzipper then.
Downloaded the file onto the MacPro (OS X 6.8 ) There it showed the .tvpx file. Still it would not install properly: it did not show the extension in the second "loading extension" window - the window was empty.
Then I tried downloading the last update of TVP (was working on 9.5 ), cleaned the preference-folder of all old folders and now it works fine!

Thanks, Conny