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peg hole registration reduce quality

Posted: 16 May 2011, 20:19
by dandov
When I do a peg hole registration for my scanned frames, the quality of the scan reduces considerably.
Does any-one know a way around this?


Re: peg hole registration reduce quality

Posted: 17 May 2011, 06:53
by Peter Wassink
Not sure if there are othere methods but...
one way would be(though a lot of extra work for you probably)
to use scans of a higher resolution then needed for the project so that after registration you can scale down to the right resolution.

Re: peg hole registration reduce quality

Posted: 17 May 2011, 14:06
by D.T. Nethery
dandov wrote:Hello,
When I do a peg hole registration for my scanned frames, the quality of the scan reduces considerably.
Does any-one know a way around this?

Can you post some screen shots showing what you mean by "the quality of the scan reduces considerably."

I haven't noticed any loss of quality in the scanned images when I run the Peg Hole Registration , but I mostly use Peg Hole Registration function to register ROUGH animation drawings fed through a high-speed auto document feeder tray . For final line artwork that will be colored and composited over a background I scan the drawings one at time at high-resolution on a flatbed scanner , with the drawings on a peg bar . (this is still the most accurate way to keep the drawings in tight registration, although admittedly much slower than using the auto-feeder.)

Re: peg hole registration reduce quality

Posted: 17 May 2011, 14:24
by Elodie
It's a little weird. Could you send some examples, please ?