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change settings on a preset brush

Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 08:21
by madteo
I'm having trouble getting the settings of a standard pencil in tvpaint to save its settings so that when I go to a different tool and back to the pencil, it remains the same size and color I had already defined.

specifically, I have key "B" set to pencil #6, and even though i've tried editing the settings and hitting "apply" and simply changing the color and size information, no matter what I do every time I go back to the tool it remains something other than I want.

Any idea how to save these settings?


Re: change settings on a preset brush

Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 09:55
by slowtiger
If you apply a shortcut to a tool, it will always evoke the settings that tool had at the time of being saved in the tools panel.

If you prefer your own settings, go into the tool bin, RMB and choose "Grab current tool". You can name it, then apply a keystroke to it.

Re: change settings on a preset brush

Posted: 29 Jan 2011, 10:02
by madteo
thanks so much!