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improved camera control

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 08:51
by skomdra
I am new user from Zagreb, I have feature request... I believe it should have more precise control of camera, like bezier points on spline path which can be tweaked, or even switch between bezier and linear points on the same path. Also, it should be possible to tweak temporal position of camera in timeline instead of time profile, it would give more intuitive control over layout and camera direction. I hope this is not such complicate task to achieve.

Re: improved camera control

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 09:09
by Paul Fierlinger
You are apparently using the simple camera in the Tool set; have you looked into the KeyFramer in the FX stack? Personally, I like to use a combination of both because the KeyFramer does offer much better (more precise control --) but at a price; it takes of course longer and more thought to plot a KeyFramed camera move out. BTW, welcome to TVP and BTW, BTW, I have very fond memories of the old Zagreb festival; the last of the real ones.

Re: improved camera control

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 11:18
by skomdra
Dear Paul, you'll get the opportunity to visit Zagreb sooner than you think and refresh your beautiful memories :) I had a look into the KeyFramer, I didn't have much time, so I didn't get any result, it's posible that I don't understand how it works, but, It looks pretty powerful. I am at the stage of layout, so, some camera planing is needed. But, since this is a Feature request, for the community, this is the question, wouldn't it be nice to have a camera (possible multiplan) like in AE, with precise control of movement, rotation and timing/spacing interpolation over timeline? I suppose, since I am director, camera is essential tool for animation direction.

Re: improved camera control

Posted: 25 Nov 2010, 11:26
by Fabrice
Welcome Skomdra,

There is a multiplane camera in the FX stack as well, but ok it's not easy to use/learn.