Changing Layers (up or down) and have the LightTable Follow

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Changing Layers (up or down) and have the LightTable Follow

Post by Svengali »

When shifting between layers I was thinking it might be convenient to have the LightTable follow me to the new Layer and at the same time turn the LightTable off for All OTHER LAYERS.

So I wrote two scripts that check IF the LightTable is on for the current layer... then, ONLY IF ON, it turns the LightTable off for the current layer and OFF FOR ALL OTHER LAYERS TOO, then shifts up or down to the next layer and turns the LightTable ON for ONLY that layer.

I use these buttons in the shortcut list in place of the default Layer:GoUp and Layer:GoDown actions.

If you want to try it out just assign these buttons to shortcut keys and you can ensure that ONLY THE CURRENT LAYER'S LIGHTTABLE IS ACTIVE.

BTW, in the scripts (LayerDown-LT.grg and LayerUP-LT.grg) you will see the following line:

Code: Select all

MessageFlag = 0								// Set MessageFlag to 1 to display message and pause
If this MessageFlag is set to one, then when shifting to another layer, you will also see a momentary popup message that tells what layer you are moving to: for example, "Moving down to Layer 3/5" or "Moving up to Layer 1/5"


p.s. One enhancement I'd like see in George is a command that keeps/forces the CURRENT LAYER to be visible in the Layer Panel.
LayerMove-LT manager.tvpx
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Last edited by Svengali on 24 Oct 2010, 22:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changing Layers (up or down) and have the LightTable Fol

Post by Sewie »

Very very handy. Thanks Sven!
Michael Sewnarain - Website
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Re: Changing Layers (up or down) and have the LightTable Fol

Post by Svengali »

Thanks Sewie,

I had to update the tvpx file, there was a little problem in the message routine, but it's now fixed. But don't bother downloading the fixed version unless you specifically want to enable the pop-up message because the first version works fine otherwise. 8)

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Re: Changing Layers (up or down) and have the LightTable Fol

Post by Svengali »

Svengali wrote: p.s. One enhancement I'd like see in George is a command that keeps/forces the CURRENT LAYER to be visible in the Layer Panel.
I'm not sure anyone else would be interested in this tiny enhancement to the set of 2 buttons (LightTable Follow, up and down) but here it is. As I mention above, I always wanted a way to FORCE the CURRENT LAYER to be visible in the Layer Panel... and a few days ago it occurred to me that it could be done by adding the following four line embedded George script as the last action in each button:
SH_001 Mar. 21 15.57.jpg
SH_001 Mar. 21 15.57.jpg (10.79 KiB) Viewed 1745 times
It works. As you move up or down, the new current layer is now always immediately made visible in the Layer Panel.

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