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using wrapping grid crops the image

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 11:53
by kariP

I tried to make a lens flare to glow from under the bucket.
But while using wrapping grid to make it in perspective, the haze outside the project window disappears.




The lens flare needs to be animated. i could probably do this by making the lens flare in the center of the screen as a whole, animate it, and then move it to its position. But it feels that it's not very precise. Is there a better way?

Thank you.


Re: using wrapping grid crops the image

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 13:26
by slowtiger
I'd put the flare into a separate project and use this as source for the Keyframer FX. No size restrictions then.

Re: using wrapping grid crops the image

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 13:50
by ZigOtto
or work in a higher project and set the camera to get the preview at the right size/format/place (hiding the extra part of the working project).

Re: using wrapping grid crops the image

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 14:08
by Peter Wassink
make sure the flare effect falls 100% within the project (in your example the edge is cut off, so shift it up and scale it down a bit)
don't try to get it near the spot where it needs to go yet, just make sure its whole.

then with the wrapping grid you can distort & position it where and how you like

Re: using wrapping grid crops the image

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 21:21
by kariP
Putting the flare into a separate project would seem the right way if, for example, I would like to expand the flare through the whole image. But with this, Peters suggestion was simple and worked nicely. Just had to find the "edit grid bounding box".

with your suggestion ZigOtto, I got a bit :?:.. I haven't used any camera options yet. So maybe later, when I have, I might get a grip from your idea.

Thank you all for your help. Problem solved!