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Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 08:51
by Jesoped

In the Animator Panel under Layer I am missing the buttons for moving a layer up or down, and under Instance I miss duplicating frame left and right. These buttons where available in my prior versions of TVP on my old PC. Hope they can be "recovered." : )


Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 09:32
by Elodie
Hi Jesper,

Why don't you add yourslf those buttons you need ?

-Right click on the animator panel and click on "editable"
-Right click again and click on "add an action"
-Then, a window with many empty zones will appear. First, give a name to your future button, like "move layer up".
For the Icon, you can choose one in the list or the current tool you were using to draw (it can be a custom brush : thanks to this, you can draw your button, then cut it and assign it as the icon of your button)
-You will have a list with that begins by "end". Click on the "end" and go into the menu "Set Keystroke => Layer =>Move layer up"

Then, press ok => your button can be used =)

Do it again, but with the keystroke "move layer down".

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 10:01
by Jesoped
Hi Elodie,

Good stuff, just didn't know that what you wrote was a possibilty. Still amazed of how much I have yet to discover - Love TVP! I'll try it out, thanks.

Oh, and better late than never - Congratulations with your going-from-miss-to-mrs! : )

Best regards,

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 10:15
by chatbraque

similar question :
… I've done a ".bin", based on the "scan cleaner" and using my own parameters .

Is it possible to drop it as a new action in my tool bin ? (with a proper button)… and, if "yes", how ?

I just entered the ".bin" using the "chargez un script" option… , but TVP collapsed

what's the right choice (if any)

merci a lot


Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 11:14
by Elodie
It's possible, but the problem is the fx are saved with a project, so if you open a new project, your button won't keep the fx.

Do you still want to know how do this ? =)

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 12:47
by chatbraque
Yes, please !
(Intellectual curiosity)

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 12:59
by Elodie
Hop :
savefxbutton.png (55.9 KiB) Viewed 20416 times
And then, add other functions in order to have something like this :
buttonmyfx.png (12.96 KiB) Viewed 20416 times
@Jesoped : thanks by the way ^^

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 13:15
by chatbraque
Thank you !

It means, you just have to reload your fx when you open a new project…
… pas si mal, est-il ?

Is there an other accurate way to set the tools without using the fx tool ?
(… and to keep them from one project to another)
(script Georges ?… not for me :D )

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 13:47
by chatbraque
Weird enough !
I have "quit" TVP… then I'm opening a new project, and my button (based on a "fx") is still activ ! :shock:
(my start preferences are not even set on "paramètres du dernier projet" )

… did I misunderstood what you just said ??

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 14:06
by Elodie
Sorry, I mean, if the custom panel with the fx button is opened in a new project with a new computer, the button won't keep the fx bin. Until you use your button with your own machine, the fx should be kept in memory. =)

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 14:13
by chatbraque
Great ! thanks a lot !

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 24 Aug 2010, 16:35
by chatbraque
And about my former question ? :

Is there an other accurate way to set the tools without using the fx tool ?
(… and to keep them from one COMPUTER to another)

could it be done with "Georges" ?

Re: Missing buttons in Animator Panel

Posted: 25 Aug 2010, 07:53
by Elodie
Nope, it's not possible to set a FX in a George script.