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thirds division grid in display options

Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 01:26
by hilere
A nice add-on would be to have in the display options aside of the field chart and safe area a division grid that divides the camera field in thirds vertical and horizontal. This would help to keep your compositions more balanced when planning your scenes.
Also, I noticed that the safe area is currently connected to the size of your image instead of the camera. This results in having a useless stretched out safe area when you're working on a pan BG for example.

Re: thirds division grid in display options

Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 11:29
by Fabrice
interesting :)

Re: thirds division grid in display options

Posted: 29 Jul 2010, 11:32
by Paul Fierlinger
the safe area is currently connected to the size of your image instead of the camera. This results in having a useless stretched out safe area when you're working on a pan BG for example.
I add my vote to this too. Currently I have two workarounds; I've made a couple of templates which I can keep on my top layer, but this has it's obvious limitations too, and the second one to display my computer on my TV set -- this is great for comparing colors too.