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'Flip Book' vs 'Playback Preview'

Posted: 11 May 2010, 13:32
by Sewie
Hello dear TVP friends.

I've noticed when using the "Flipbook" (or 'W' on the keyboard) the timeline plays with a better quality than when I use the "Playback preview" button on the remote control panel (or the button at the bottom of the Project window).The drawings seem to be a little bit more pixelized when using the "Playback preview" button.

Would it be possible to have the "Playback preview" play the timeline with the same quality as the "Flipbook" option? I think it would be good to have the extra control options (for instance "loop play") for a timeline playback with better quality.

And if "Playback preview" would play with same quality and framerate as the Fipbook perhaps we could lose the Flipbook option...?

This is a screengrab with the "Flipbook" playing at 25 fps:

And this with the "Playback preview":

Re: 'Flip Book' vs 'Playback Preview'

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:10
by Hervé
Flipbook and playback use two different way to show your images.
Flipbook function use the standard display method and playback function try to minimize the CPU usage to keep the good frame rate.

It's possible to enhance the playback quality with this command but a powerfull CPU is needed:
(54 KiB) Downloaded 1260 times

Re: 'Flip Book' vs 'Playback Preview'

Posted: 11 May 2010, 14:24
by Sewie
Thanks! This is great!
I'll paste this button in my animator panel and then I have the option to turn on full quality when I need it. (When checking inbetweens for example)

Re: 'Flip Book' vs 'Playback Preview'

Posted: 11 May 2010, 19:08
by Sewie
For those who like this button; I've made a new icon for it. So that it's better distinguishable from the flipbook icon in the animator panel.
I'ts the same .tvpx file as Herve's, but with a different icon.
