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AuraFX - Visual Inspirations

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 04:55
by compressor
Will the George scripts from Visual Inspirations work with TVPaint?

If so, how would I go about adding them and making them work with TVPaint?

Thanks for any help.

Visual Inspirations had some really good scripts for Aura before he
closed up his shop.

Posted: 12 Jul 2006, 09:55
by Patrice
The most part of VI scripts should work with TVPaint Animation. Few ones may need some modifications because of the change of functions.

In the install folder of TVPaint Animation you have a Plugin Sub folder. In it you already have Animator Panel and Tool Bin plugin. Put your plugins here.
Then launch TVPaint Animation and click on the icon button to display all custom panels if they are not. Create a new Custom Panel (RMB>All Panels>New Panel). Create a new action on it (RMB>Add action). Set name and open a plugin as first instruction (LMB>Open a plugin>'Choose a plugin find in the plugin sub folder'). Do the same for each plugin in order to have a panel with all your plugins.
You can save your Custom Panel to use it wherever you are.

You can put your George scripts everywhere you want but you should create a 'Scripts' (or other name) sub folder in the install folder and put your scripts here. Then launch TVPaint Animation and click on the icon button to display all custom panels if they are not. Create a new Custom Panel (RMB>All Panels>New Panel). Create a new action on it (RMB>Add action). Set name and load a script as first instruction (LMB>Load a script).
Do the same for each script in order to have a panel with all your scripts.
You can save your Custom Panel to use it wherever you are.

Have a nice day

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 02:06
by compressor
I can't seem to make it work and things are slightly different then your directions.
The AuraFX install put the scripts in a certain directory structure.

There is also a "Config", a "Docs", "Images", and an "Includes"
directory under the George directory.

Here are my steps without moving anything: (but it doesn't work)

1. Create a new Custom Panel (RMB>All Panels>New Tool Bar)
2. Create a new action on it (RMB>Add action)
3. Set name and open plugin (LMB>Set script)

Step 3 brings up a file requestor and I navigate to the directory where the scripts are: Aura2\Aura\George\VI\BlurFade.grg

I hit "OK".

When I try to run it I get an error such as:

ERROR:cannot read file.
#include "Includes\TranSetUp.grg

I tried other scripts and get similiar errors.

What am I doing wrong?

What directories do I need to move and exactly where do I move them to?

Also would VI's MiniCG, Batch Factory or George Generator work with TVPaint?

Thanks for your assistance.

Posted: 14 Jul 2006, 08:03
by Patrice
I tried to load VI scripts with TVPaint Animation. It seems that path files are hard coded for Aura. I will see how to change it Monday and I send you the solution as soon as possible.
Have a nice day

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 18:12
by Patrice
Here is the solution to the problem of the VI Scripts:

First you need to download the new version of the demo which will be available tomorrow (if we have no problem with our provider).

Then Install AuraFX on your system. The installation will copy all plug-ins (.dll files) and scripts (.grg files) in an Aura directory at the root of your system.

Cut all plug-ins files except 'VIPath.dll' and paste them into the 'Plugins' folder of the 'TVPaint Animation' installation directory (There are already the 'DShow.dll' and 'colorop.dll' files).
WARNING : You must not paste the 'VIPath.dll' file.

Then create a 'Scripts' (You can name it as you want) into the 'TVPaint Animation' installation directory.
Cut the 'George' folder from the 'Aura' directory and paste it into this new folder.
WARNING : You must have this path : ".../TVPaint Animation/[your scripts folder]/George/VI"

Open the "AuraPath.txt" file in the "/George/VI/Include/" folder and indicate the path of the 'TVPaint Animation' installation directory.

Now you can lauch TVP Animation and use the scripts as describe in my previous post. The most part of the scripts should work.