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Format HDTV 1920x1080 makes crash TVPaint

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 11:18
by Marco
Hi, I tried to animate by drawing in the format HDTV 1920x1080. But, TVPaint crashes when I want to playback the preview. I modified the cache size (I have 1BG of RAM) but it still happens. What's wrong? Is 1 GB not enough?


Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 11:57
by evar
I have 1gb ram, and I just played back 250 frames of 1920x1080 at 24fps, progressive no problems.... In both proxy, and realtime.

What are your project settings and computer system specifications, as well as the version of TVPaint you are running ? (you can tell by viewing the About box in the Help).

How does TVP crash? does it give an error?

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 13:53
by Marco
Hello Evar. I've made the test once more by changing between the proxy and realtime mode. And TVPaint crashes when I am working in the proxy mode!!!!!! Strange! Isn't it? When the software crashes I get the standard Windows message telling that tvpaintanimation.exe has had a problem. And it asks me if I want to send a message to microsoft.
I tied this with the latest version of TVPaint Animation 8.0. Well, the projet settings are: W:1920, H:1080, Upper field first, Aspect Ratio 1.00, Frame rate 24.00 (But I don't think, that this could be a source of error). I am working on Windows XP and I have a Pentium4 with 2.8GHz and 1BG of RAM. But, I've made the same test on an older computer with 250GHz and Windows2000. The same happens.

What could be the reason?

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 14:12
by evar
Hmm... how much room do you have on the 'temp' drive ? Hit Shift+d and what it the path beside Temp Directory?

And saying you have the latest doesnt help me :) - I'd like to know the build date so that I can install the same version and test to see if I can reproduce it. When you first start TVP - what does the date say at the top (when you select the project rez etc...) ?

I'll be back later on tonight :)

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 14:29
by Marco
It's the version of May 30, 2006. My Temp Directory is my drive "D" (it's the one where I installed all my softwares, and I have the drive "E" for my datas). On "D" I have about 5BG of room.


Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 14:36
by evar
Sign up to download the demo again, and youll get the June 29th version.

5gb isnt That much room for uncompressed 1920x1080 - around 150 mb per 24 frames - per layer. Thats about 30 seconds for a single layer. Of course, there is probably some leaway on my guestimation -

Does proxy playback still work at 200x200 ?

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 14:37
by Patrice
Can you send me your project in order to try it and identify the problem please? I am on the road tomorrow so I will see that Sunday or Monday.

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 14:59
by Marco
I've installed the the June 29th version. And the problem has disappeared. But, I although made the test. It crashed even at 200x200. But now it works fine.

Thank you.


Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 15:00
by Marco
Thank you Patrice for you proposition.


Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 15:01
by ZigOtto
Marco wrote: Well, the projet settings are: W:1920, H:1080, Upper field first, Aspect Ratio 1.00, Frame rate 24.00
I wonder why you are working in fields mode, and not progressive,
(as your chosen frame-rate of 24 fr/s is for movie, not for TV)...?

Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 15:34
by Marco
You're right. I didn't pay attention to that when testing the playback preview.

Normally, I even allways work in None (Progressive). Even for TV. I didn't have any problem yet.
Well, I've been a student until now and it wasn't me who transfered the film onto the beta cassette. I think this person who did this changed it into "upper field first". This interests me...
I'll ask him.


Posted: 07 Jul 2006, 16:07
by ZigOtto
anyway, you can animate in progressive, and at the very last end, export your project in fields if needed.