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some questions

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 09:59
by bigjoe
Hi all,
I am a webdesigner who is interested in 2D animation as hobbyist and i've been told by a friend to test your last software which seems to be what i'm looking for but i didn't spend so much time on it at the moment, so it's not really a topic about my feedbacks but i have some questions...

Your site mentions that you are the developer of Mirage but i can hardly check that information on the bauhaus website (Furthermore, it seems that there are some sensitive subjects up there). Any comments ?

It's pretty obvious now i tested both software (TVP Animation and Mirage) that there is a common heritage between these 2 softwares...



Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 10:32
by electro-box
Hello Bigjoe and welcome,

I will try to reply your answer...

From Past Tvpaint was ALWAYS and UNIQUE DEV. & creators of such TVpaint amiga, Aura, CBpaint and...Mirage !

Bauhaus after newtek with Aura, get contract to DISTRIBUTE and RESELLE Mirage, but Mirage was always DEV by TVpaint and code source is property of TVpaint.

Bauhaus doing great marketing around Mirage.

Only the name, brandname and marketing is from Bauhaus who was only DISTRIBUTOR out of EUROPE !

For now TVpaint is the next and evolution from Mirage and Aura.

Stiching Element scripts around Mirage core...or starting a new product from the scratch so that's take many years to do !

If you want you can trying Mirage and TVpaint, so you just see TVpaint is evolution of Mirage and Mirage don't be updated since year !

Don't be confused with both ! think must be clear for customers.

Marketing is a fact but customers care is more important thing for me...

There is now clear conflict between BHS and TVP so it's not yours...


Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 11:38
by bigjoe
I was not expecting that kind of behaviours from a company whose users claims loyalty and fairness...
You seem to know the situation very well, thank you electro-box for your reply.



Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 12:05
by TVPaint
Welcome bigjoe,

I just wanted to add there aren't any subversive subjects on our forums. People are free to speak about what they want (except for spamming and stuff like that of course).
If the simple fact of talking about TVPaint (or ****** as you may see it) is forbidden somewhere else, i suggest you to ask the same question to the admins of the concerned website.

Finally, for those who thinks that our forum has so few members and who consequently thinks that it's not a place for help, our forum has not a large number of users since they've been created only few months ago but we are not sorting users in any way and we don't add the people who downloaded our demo version to the memberlist (otherwise we would have more than 2000 registered users).



Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 12:41
by A1
i got banned at bauhaus for touching the topic of tv paint.
Put 'tvpaint' in your topic over there and i can garantee that your post will be removed as soon as they spot it.

you gotta love 'm.

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 12:56
by ZigOtto
bigjoe wrote:It's pretty obvious now i tested both software (TVP Animation and Mirage) that there is a common heritage between these 2 softwares...
you may have a look to the historic page on this site :
of course you won't find any Mirage's historic page on theirs.

@TVP : btw, it's time to update the Historic with a 2006/TVPA 1.0 public release chapter.

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 13:13
by ematecki
@TVP : btw, it's time to update the Historic with a 2006/TVPA 1.0 public release chapter.
Hey, TVPA is not history ! That's today :)

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 13:31
by ZigOtto
ematecki wrote:Hey, TVPA is not history ! That's today :)
TVPA availability is the present, but the Int. Public Release coming out is already the past! (june, 19th) :wink:
TVP Animation 1.0a, international version is ready for shipment on June, 19th

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 14:20
by lemec
bigjoe wrote:I was not expecting that kind of behaviours from a company whose users claims loyalty and fairness...
You seem to know the situation very well, thank you electro-box for your reply.


I used to be one among those users -- I blindly listened to whatever the BHS figureheads had to say about 'loyalty and fairness' -- but I was banned and threatened with legal action for participating in the beta test program here. How's that for loyalty and fairness?!?!!?

Would YOU follow a company that monitored your activities on a rival company's website? Aren't people allowed the choice of what program they use? I don't owe BHS a single thing -- I did, after all, pay for my right to use the software(a license), and I'm a customer! They should have NO business in dictating what I can and cannot use. If I went and bought Toonboom(another competitor), and I used it and participated in their forums, would that be grounds for my banishment?

BHS has adopted a "you're either with us or against us" stance with its users in a battle that does not concern them. I'm waiting for BHS to announce the formation of its 'coalition of the willing'...

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 14:27
by lemec
TVPaint wrote:Welcome bigjoe,

Finally, for those who thinks that our forum has so few members and who consequently thinks that it's not a place for help, our forum has not a large number of users since they've been created only few months ago but we are not sorting users in any way and we don't add the people who downloaded our demo version to the memberlist (otherwise we would have more than 2000 registered users).


Right, and they also locked out anyone who isn't a registered user recently -- you have to be registered to read posts -- what's with all the secrecy? What've they got to hide? Ask these questions and I'm sure they'll get all hot under the collar!

Their forum revolves around finding workarounds for problems that were already resolved in TVPA! They don't have any development power to be able to modify Mirage in any way. It's not a race between the companies, well, okay, maybe it is, but one of the runners has no legs and a big mouth shouting how fast he can run, and the other one is already hightailing it down the track...

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 17:42
by fabrice_
Hi Bigjoe,

Welcome in this forum ... and take a look of those "about" sections (Mirage and TVPaint Animation) :

Did you notice the copyright on the bottom of the panels ?
Each time you can read the name of "Hervé Adam". There a "TVPaint Developpement" logo too.

It is amazing, isn't it ? :D

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 19:52
by fabrice_
look at this one too (about aura): :D

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 20:26
by evar
And this one, Aura 2.5 :)

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 21:42
by fanany
this one must become a collector! (with the old BH's logo)
... but still the same 3 lorrainers dev. team.

Posted: 05 Jul 2006, 21:55
by evar
Im half waiting for someone to post a shot from the Amiga days :)

(half tempted to pull out my remaining A600...)