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Help! Light table issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 07:26
by stoneseeker
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping this is something simple and stupid, as I can't seem to find anyone else having this issue...

I just got this program from work, (animation studio that primarily uses flash) and even after going through the tutorials, I cannot get the light table to work!
I am on a anim layer, draw a bunch of lines on say frames 1-10 and while on frame 5 or so, if I turn on the light table, I should be able to get ghostlike images of my previous drawings and the ones ahead, correct?? But i press the switch, the LT window appears, I make sure the frames are turned on as it is with default... it all makes sense, but its not working! So weird.
As far as I know its TVP Paint 8 and there isn't anything else I've noticed that is glitching or anything. What am I missing?
ANy help is greatly appreciated!

Re: Help! Light table issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 07:46
by stoneseeker
sorry to double post, but I finally figured it out. I need to enable light table on a layer by right clicking the layer and hitting light table. Why isn't this automatically enabled for all anim layers? And, more importantly, why on earth isn't this seemingly crucial tidbit of information mentioned on the basic tutorials?? it seems something so important shouldn't be overlooked. The tutorial says nothing of it. There, thats my gripe. But on a positive note, this program is amazing and I cant wait to do some animating with it. It seems one of the very few if not only animation program that allows such organic feeling brushes and fx in 2-D.

Re: Help! Light table issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 12:24
by Paul Fierlinger
stoneseeker wrote: I need to enable light table on a layer by right clicking the layer and hitting light table. Why isn't this automatically enabled for all anim layers?
I would hate that! :mrgreen: :twisted: There are times when I use LT on 2 or 3 (at the most) other layers at the same time, but ALL layers? That's nuts; holly confusion to me!

We all think and work differently... which goes with the organic feeling of the brushes. :) TVPaint once started as a very simple, straightforward application -- I think it had just one layer. Over the years, people started asking for exceptions and tweakable gadgets and strange features and TVP obliged wherever it was in their powers so we now have this very multifaceted system where many things don't make sense to all of us most of the time, but at the same time to some of us all of the time. BTW, you should see the LT in 9.5 Pro -- O-la-la :roll:

Re: Help! Light table issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2009, 21:26
by Sewie
I just looked it up. The Light Table is mentioned (quite extensively) on page 6-27 of the Manual for TVP 9.
(Don't know about TVP 8, though.)