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WindowsXP 64bit and RAM
Posted: 13 May 2009, 09:24
by Mads Juul
Im testing Different Software on a WindowsXP 64 bit with 8 GB RAM to see the hopefully better performance.
But TVPaint still onsy sees 2048 MB Phisical Memory?
Shouldn´t it be able to use 4 GB RAM as it is a 32 bit software.
Am I doing something wrong or how??
Re: WindowsXP 64bit and RAM
Posted: 13 May 2009, 09:44
by Hervé
madsjuul wrote:Im testing Different Software on a WindowsXP 64 bit with 8 GB RAM to see the hopefully better performance.
But TVPaint still onsy sees 2048 MB Phisical Memory?
TVPaint is a 32bits application, It cannot see more than 4GB.
On Windows the memory cache ( only the cache ) is limited to 2GB but TVPaint can use all the memory than window can provide to an 32 bits app ( up to 3.5GB ).
Re: WindowsXP 64bit and RAM
Posted: 13 May 2009, 10:50
by Mads Juul
- So this isnt a problem with 2048 MB when I got 8 GB RAM?
- memory.png (15.14 KiB) Viewed 7739 times
Re: WindowsXP 64bit and RAM
Posted: 13 May 2009, 11:35
by Hervé
madsjuul wrote:memory.png
It's the memory available for the cache only, not the memory available for the application. If you wand, I can show all the available memory.
Remember, TVPA is a 32 bits application and cannot address more than 2^32 bytes of memory.