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Flood Fill AntiAliasing

Posted: 06 May 2009, 16:58
by Mads Juul
I was just wondering is the smooth parameter of the floodfill the way to put antialising on your fill?

Re: Flood Fill AntiAliasing

Posted: 07 May 2009, 13:39
by malcooning
madsjuul wrote:I was just wondering is the smooth parameter of the floodfill the way to put antialising on your fill?
optimally it is for that use. but it much depends on what you are floodfilling really. If you're filling a clear shape selection or shape, say you just made a circle selection, then you'll get the smoothing.
But if you're trying to fill a shape bordered with a line, say you drew a circle freehandedly with a brush, you'll never get a smooth fill because of the translucent pixels at the edges of the antialiased brush. That's why there's the option to expand your fills, and apply them onto another layer. Or to fill under the existing pixels.
I guess in the end, to create smooth shapes, it's better to use the FreeHandFill tool.