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How to animate B-Splines

Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 10:01
by Fabrice
Some asked me : how to animate B-Splines in TVP Animation ?

Here is the answer, I hope it will help.

Re: How to animate B-Splines

Posted: 13 Nov 2008, 11:20
by ZigOtto
Yes, that' s a foxy workaround, notice also that your (black) color to fill the screen with at the first step
could be orange, green, purple ... or any else color.
But I would like to have an "un-closed" Spline interpolation tool as well,
actually, animating an opened spline by following your workaround requires to stack
an extra rototracking FX to cut (animate) the "hole".
... and much more FXs to stack if we are planning to "simulate" a thickness variation of the animated stroke.

Re: How to animate B-Splines

Posted: 14 Nov 2008, 10:25
by radams6
Hi All,

Well this is a warm topic for me...

For while now...I've wanted to see the addition of animatable and reusable vector tools.
No, I'm not wanting TVP to be a vector paint...(it is and will be a raster based paint ap..thank god)

But adding animatable & reusable vector like giving us a drafting board with a straight edge or machine arm.

Then to be able to use those lines, curves, etc... for painting, paths, stencils, able to use them as control parameters...

To be able to save these lines, curves, etc...for use later and to import/export to other apps.

I know this really should be in additional feature section...but being able to animate B-splines properly and use them in mulitple something part of this thread.
