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Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 16:17
by oyonawa
Hello again

I am trying to understand how Color Adjust FX works and I cannot find the way to do what I want.

I am drawing with a black pencil and at some point I want to try different colors for this line.
I have this drawing in a separate layer and playing with Color Adjust I cannot find another color besides Greyscales.
I am very used to the Hue and Saturation feature in Photoshop and AfterFX and it looks that here in TVP works different.

Can anybody explain me which is the best and fastest method to visualize and convert black lines to other color?

Thank you!



Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 16:29
by Peter Wassink
since you have it in separate layer use the alpha lock.

this isthe gradient button in the top bar (next left to the RGB buttons)
if you switch it on (it turns yellow) the alpha information of your layer is locked and you can now only paint on the pixels that already have been (partially) painted.

if you use the paintbucket (set range to max=255) you can fill the screen with any color and only the lines will be affected.

to do the whole layer, in the layerpanel; select all images (double click under it) the whole layer is yellow underlined, press enter(this repeats the last paintbucket action, TVP now recollors your linelayer.

when you continu animating make sure you switch the alpha lock off again (or else you cannot draw)


Posted: 15 Jul 2008, 16:39
by oyonawa
That was really fast :)

Works perfect !!
Thanks a lot Tantalus!



Posted: 17 Jul 2008, 12:36
by malcooning
another quick way to go about it is to use the Color Curves (no need to lock alpha).
with the dark line layer selected, go to Effects > Color > Curves.
click the Red (for example) curve.
In the window that pops up drag the left yellow point up. As you drag it up the black will turn to red.
by opening the other curves you can find the color combination you want.
when you're happy, select the whole layer and click "apply"