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George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 28 Jun 2008, 18:21
by Manuel
Here are 3 scripts and a custom panel in a tvpx file.

Installation :
Copy the 3 scripts in your George folder.
Drop the tvpx file in TVPA (version 8.6 and above), it should install the custom panel.
For each action, assign a script :
1: PolyRounded.grg , it will draw a filled shape
2: PolyLineRounded.grg , it will draw with lines
3: PolyRoundedSet.grg, it asks you radius and level values

Use LMB to draw the lines, RMB for the last point.
If you want a corner NOT rounded, double-clic.
Une série de 3 scripts qui vous permettront de dessiner facilement des polygones aux angles arrondis.

Copiez les scripts dans un dossier, installez le panneau personnalisé et refaites les assignations de chaque bouton.
1: PolyRounded.grg , dessine un polygone plein
2: PolyLineRounded.grg , pour un polygone creux
3: PolyRoundedSet.grg, pour définir la taille de l'arrondi, en pixels, et son niveau de fractionnement.

Bouton gauche pour pointer chaque sommet, double-clic pour un angle non-arrondi.
Bouton droit pour le dernier sommet.
Example (rhôôô le zôli phylactère biscornu)
Example (rhôôô le zôli phylactère biscornu)
Polyrounded.gif (25.65 KiB) Viewed 2481 times

Re: George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:13
by Fabrice
super cool, le truc ideal pour les BD et mangas :)

Re: George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 15:25
by Sierra Rose
Manuel, I got lost somewhere in this. I got the 3 files into the George folder. But where do I put the tvpx file? I tried putting it loose in the TVPaint Pro folder but it loads and when I say OK on the "Loading extension" folder it just disappears and doesn't load anything. I also have lost the ability to load the Creation Pack Trial since I got my new computer back and installed everything on it. I must be using the wrong folder?

EDIT: Nevermind on the Polygon one...I got it...but not the Creation Pack trial. Was there a time limit on that one?

Re: George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 15:37
by Sierra Rose
I'm sorry to bug you again...but the polyset one only gives me a filled rectangle with no rounded points.??

Re: George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 15:51
by Manuel
The PolyRoundedSet.grg script should only ask you 2 values. These values are used by the 2 other scripts.
It will draw nothing.

If you have just created a filled polygon before, TVP selects the fill rectangle tool when the script is done, I don't know why.
So it is only the rectangle tool that you are using, not the script.

Re: George : Rounded Polygon (TVPA 8.6 & >)

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 13:18
by Satrip

Could it be possible to customize the PolylineRounded script to draw an unclosed line, not a closed polygon ?!
I've tried to do it myself with no success..
Help please :!:

PS: Very good scripts, congratulations to you Manuel!!! ^^