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Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 10:41
by slowtiger
I noticed that those special german characters (äöüÄÖÜß) weren't displayed correctly in the menus and palettes. I'm on Mac, so I don't know if that same problem occurs on PCs.
before fixing
before fixing
umlaut1.png (53.25 KiB) Viewed 15795 times
From experience I suspected it to be a simple ASCII/UTF-8 problem, so I searched in the program package and found the file german.tvpaint.loc in the data folder. Sure enough it had all wrong characters instead of the right ones, like for ß and so on. But it also used the ß as a special character:

Code: Select all

$00040 "ß"			character used for separating fast and full Inline help
so I put a € instead. I did some search&replace over the whole file until every Umlaut was included correctly. Now comes the trick: I saved the file explicitely as UTF-8 and put it back in its place. (Of course I did a backup before I started!)

TVP now shows the correct Umlaute everywhere. There also seem to be some typos in the menus which I will fix over time.

Re: Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 07:30
by ematecki
First of, German isn't yet officially supported... does someone volunters to finish the translation ? :)
PC people don't even get the german.tvpaint.loc file, so you're lucky :)

Yes it is a UTF8 problem. The best thing is to convince your editor to load the file as a windows file (don't remember the exact ISO number),
then save it as UTF8.
Well, I've done it on a PC here, see attachment.

The ess-zed (however it is written) should be a "paragraph" sign (it is in the attached UTF8 file).

Re: Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 09:30
by slowtiger
The funny thing is that I don't know why it used the german version - my Mirage uses english. TVP started in german right from the start - not that I complain about that.

Now that you mention it I found the "open as" option in BBEdit ... would've saved me the search&replace orgy.

I'll see through the whole file and correct translations where necessary, but at first glance it looks pretty well done.

Re: Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 11:54
by ematecki
It was done by Volker Hill from MacroSystem, he is a native german speaker.

But there were some addition to TVPAP since he translated it.
These will appear in english in the software until they are translated.

Re: Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 14:25
by Volker
I had to translate the loc.file for our CBPaint version. Unfortunatly CBPaint does not offer all the options that TVPaint Animation Pro does so I had to translate "things" without knowing what they actually meant :oops:

I could continue translating the new buttons and stuff but I prefer that Mr. Slowtiger continues now because he already started :lol:

Re: Language support - german Umlaute

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 15:14
by slowtiger
I will, once I've got the version 9 which I've just ordered.