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highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 11:07
by Paul Fierlinger
How do you do that? I thought I'd fool around with the x-sheet to see if there is anything to it that might be helpful to me. All the buttons are pretty straightforward except for one thing: I can't figure out how to make selections.

There used to be a huge outcry for an x-sheet everywhere. People would say, If there's no x-sheet I'm not buying! I'm curious; is there anyone here who uses this feature extensively?

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 11:16
by Paul Fierlinger
OK, I've figured out that when I highlight in the project layer and switch to the x-sheet mode I can see the highlighting and cut, copy, or paste -- once. Then go back to project and highlight again for the next task. Is this how it's used? Tell me it ain't so! And how is this different from what you can do directly in the project layer? Stumped and can't wait to hear the answer.

EDIT: AH! I'm warming up to it. The left side is the source and the right side is where you edit. You can add layers and it's where you move things around. But I still need to know how you select frames on the source side. I'm going to walk the dogs.

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 13:12
by Paul Fierlinger
Like a good boy I went to the manual. Looking through makes it obvious that this x-sheet does what I would expect from an x-sheet. But it fails to explain how to get started, which is maddening. Back to the project layers and work. I'll see if I can find a night course in my neighborhood that teaches how to use the x-sheet in TVP.

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 13:30
by Nicolas R
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Looking through makes it obvious that this x-sheet does what I would expect from an x-sheet. But it fails to explain how to get started, which is maddening.
Good thing you are pointing this out. That might help for further versions.

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 15:21
by Paul Fierlinger
Well.... can you help me? How do I get started? All I'd like to know is how do you move the source into the edit--the rest I can probably figure out because it looks awfully like CTW Crater and that's because I always pointed to Crater as the best x-sheet software. :D

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 16:48
by ZigOtto
OK, I will try, I've never gone to the manual for a long time, so I don't know if the steps are clearly detailed there :

1) set the source (the drawings sequence you have to time): for that , add one column [+src], name it (letter or custom),
select the type (Layer from the current project, or other open Project), and the source itself (which Layer or Project).
now, you have (Right side) a column with your source sequence.

2) left side, create a new XSheet layer (the [+] button left side), XSheet layer have an "X" in the head of the column, Layers having a "A" are AnimLayers.

3) in the source, RMB select All or LMB Shift & drag vertically to select range of drawings, the selection is enlighted (yellow on edges),

4) to paste them , drag and drop, that's all.

5) to lengthen the timing of a cell, put your cursor between 2 cells, when it turn to a double-arrow , drag donwn to add exposures (pink repeated).

for copy/paste through/into the XSheet layers, make a selection (LMB Shift & drag vertically) then drag & drop.
idem with Ctrl key hold if you want to cut/paste.

yes I use XSheet often, (I'm one of the old school dinosaure, and big fan of Take_2, my beloved linetester on Amiga) :wink:
1) because you can tweak several linetest versions in the same project without making it heavier.
2) once the linetest validated, you just have to replace the source (the rough drawings) by the cleaned and colored sequence,
then export. 8)

tips :
- Undo works for Xsheet operations as well.
- Ctrl+Shift and LMB drag the whole XSheet Layer to glide it on the vertical timeline.

though, some features are still missing, such as the ability to copy/paste multicolumn sections,
the ability to source a Project of different size, and to keep it at its original size/ratio,
(actually it is stretched to fit the target project size, the same disaster than with the FX-stack Image Souce ...) arghhhh :evil:
a simple "Add a Blank Cell" button is still missing as well. :roll:

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 17:30
by Nicolas R
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Well.... can you help me? How do I get started? All I'd like to know is how do you move the source into the edit--the rest I can probably figure out because it looks awfully like CTW Crater and that's because I always pointed to Crater as the best x-sheet software. :D
Oh I'm sorry, I understood from what you wrote that you finally managed to do it :oops:

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 17:40
by Paul Fierlinger
No, I just don't get it, and I can't follow ZigOtto's sentences, though I greatly appreciate the effort. All I need to know is how I enter my timeline as a source line. I presume that one starts with a sequence of drawings which are either drawn directly into the project timeline or scanned in. How is it, if the right side is the source side that when I start a new project with no drawings, open the x-sheet, draw my first frame -- it appears on the left side. This baffles me.

What I expect is to have anything I draw or import on the right side, since that is the source side, and from there I can copy the frames to the left side and start working by highlighting certain frames and copy paste them around etc. But I can't even highlight anything in the standard way.

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 17:57
by ZigOtto
Paul Fierlinger wrote:No, I just don't get it, and I can't follow ZigOtto's sentences, though I greatly appreciate the effort. All I need to know is how I enter my timeline as a source line. I presume that one starts with a sequence of drawings which are either drawn directly into the project timeline or scanned in. How is it, if the right side is the source side that when I start a new project with no drawings, open the x-sheet, draw my first frame -- it appears on the left side. This baffles me.

What I expect is to have anything I draw or import on the right side, since that is the source side, and from there I can copy the frames to the left side and start working by highlighting certain frames and copy paste them around etc. But I can't even highlight anything in the standard way.
you are reading too fast ... :)

your drawings you see left-side are the drawings in an AnimLayer, look at the head of the Column, you should read a "A"
if that Animlayer is supposed to become your source, in the timeline tab, name it "Source", then in the XSheet tab, set that layer "Source" as source (left side) . (as explained in previous point 1)
to avoid confusions, hit the [XS] button, it will hide all the project layers, except the XSheet one(s).

in XSheet tab
, you can only edit XsheetLayer(s), with an "X" in the head. you can't do anything on an AnimLayer there, except to toggle its visibility.

I'm still thinking a good video tutorial would be thousand more explicit than any consequent litterature. :)

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 18:13
by Paul Fierlinger
ZigOtto wrote:
you are reading too fast ... :)
Thanks. I've been practicing all my life and this mean I'm finally getting there. :)
if that Animlayer is supposed to become your source, in the timeline tab, name it "Source"
How? Where? I mean where? at the bottom where it says Default Source: None? How? there's no window to enter a name.

And from here on I can't follow because I haven't named anything yet.

Yes! A video tutorial would be wonderful. Do you know that Camtasia, version one is now shareware? :wink:

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 18:38
by ZigOtto
ZigOtto wrote:1) set the source (the drawings sequence you have to time): for that , add one column [+src], name it (letter or custom),
select the type (Layer from the current project, or other open Project), and the source itself (which Layer or Project).
now, you have (Right side) a column with your source sequence.
2nd (and last) try, step by step :

- left side : [+src] button, have you hit it to create a new source column ?
- if yes, a new column (by default named "A") is created,
bottom of the window, the "name" button to edit/change it, and the "Type" button to define it,
- select Type/ Layer, ... then Layer/"Paul", if your AnimLayer have been named "Paul".

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 18:39
by ZigOtto
can you do these starting steps succesfully?

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 18:43
by Paul Fierlinger
- left side : [+src] button, have you hit it to create a new source column ?
That button is on the right side and creates a new layer on the right side. This is why I thought from the beginning that the right side is the source side. Do you perhaps have a different version than I?

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 18:51
by ZigOtto
not the [+] button left side, but the [+src] near the middle ...
(or "right side of the left part")

"How to Create and Manage the Source" 8-8 (p.176) of the manual . :roll:

Re: highlight x-sheet frames?

Posted: 10 May 2008, 19:10
by Paul Fierlinger
OK, I got it now. The confusion has been created by my GUI (Mirage/black) which doesn't show a clear dividing line between the two sides.
Thanks ... I can go from here.