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Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 14:25
by M
Could any users recommend set ups for the touch bar and side buttons on the Wacom Intuos3 tablet when they use TVPaint for animating? I use the touch bar for flipping through frames in Flash and I'd like to do something similar with TVPaint.


Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 15:22
by Peter Wassink
i use them also for flipping.
Only for animating its much more convenient to set them to flip between instance head instead of frames (i still have the arrow keys for that when i occasionally need that.
the bottom key i use for Alt key so i can easily manouvre through my project.

that leaves one top key. which i used to have set to undo.
but now i changed it to color pick. because i hardly make any mistakes anymore (joke)
the real reason i have it now set to color pick is because i use it a lot for my current project (which involves a lot of painting.)

the touch bar i don't find it very practically, its too easy to accidentally touch it and there is no feedback from it.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:17
by M
Thanks for that. What are the keyboard shortcuts to set up flipping between instance heads?

I've set the touch bar to rotate the image and that works well, like spinning my lightbox.

The < and > shortcuts to zoom in and out don't seem to work on my demo copy. On one of them it changes the cursor to an arrow with a ? beside it.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:50
by ZigOtto
M wrote:... What are the keyboard shortcuts to set up flipping between instance heads?
I think there's no default shortcuts for that,
so press Ctrl+K to open the ShortCuts setting panel,
and assign [Layer: Exposure: Next] and [Layer: Exposure: Prev] to 2 keys still free of assignation.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 20:54
by Peter Wassink
with CTRL-k you can assign the following commands
Layer: exposure prev
Layer: exposure next
to some vacant keys (or key combinations)
and then use the wacom settings to link the wacom side buttons to those keys

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 08:31
by M
Cheers, thankyou.

exposure prev and next

Posted: 01 Apr 2008, 14:06
by Keep Shooting
Thanks. Used the arrowkeys till now.

(I assigned the other wacom buttons to saving, display toggle, zoom out -in and -fit)


Posted: 01 Apr 2008, 16:10
by Peter Wassink
for zooming in and out you only need to assign the ALT-key function to one wacom key.
with the right mouse button (= front side of penbutton ) you can zoom in and out while holding this key pressed.

Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 09 May 2008, 15:03
by masterchief
I use Shuttle PROv2 for that... it has jog/shuttle wheels with an additional 15 customizable buttons...

you can have multiple configs for same program, ie. TVPaint animating, TVPaint draw, TVPaint VFX, etc... each config has unique configuration for jog wheel, shuttle wheel and all of the 15 buttons... it really depends upon how much you want to get into setting it up.

I LIKE very much!!!!


Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 09 May 2008, 15:36
by Paul Fierlinger
I use the same thing, William, and I couldn't edit without it anymore. It has built in default settings for Vegas and many other video oriented software -- well worth every penny!

Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 13 May 2008, 00:35
by idragosani
Yep, right hand on mouse or pen, left hand on shuttle.

Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 13 May 2008, 15:20
by masterchief
You can set up multiple configs for for each program that you use.... thereby giving you multiple sets of hotkeys based upon what activity you are engaged in.
Shuttle PRO works with ALL programs installed on your computer.

My left hand is for wacom stylus.... right hand is for optical mouse, ShuttlePRO, Space Navigator, consuming beverages, volume adjust on radio, etc...


Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 13 May 2008, 15:37
by Paul Fierlinger
Hmmm--- I have failed to get Shuttle Pro 2 to interact with TVP so far. It always worked with Mirage. Are you two actually working with it in TVP?

Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 13 May 2008, 15:48
by idragosani
Paul Fierlinger wrote:Hmmm--- I have failed to get Shuttle Pro 2 to interact with TVP so far. It always worked with Mirage. Are you two actually working with it in TVP?
I am not using Shuttle Pro, but Shuttle Xpress, but got it work in TVP with no problem. Basically, I duplicated my Mirage config, pointed it to the TVP program and it worked fine. I did have to tweak some of the keybindings in TVP, since a couple of them are slightly different, but otherwise, it works fine.

Re: Suggestions for Touch Bar and Buttons set up on Intuos 3

Posted: 16 May 2008, 15:43
by masterchief
TVPaint PRO v8.6 installed this morning... did not set SHuttle PRO with the demo... will get some configs going pronto

Paul, do you have same keyboard shortcuts in TVPaint as what you were using in Miarge... Shuttle PRO works with configured keyboard shortcuts for program with current window focus....
