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recent quick drawings

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 01:17
by malcooning
Since user Gallery is rendered unusable, I uploaded some recent doodles to my blog.
They're all done on a TabletPC.

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 08:35
by Boomslang
Very nifty, I find your use of custom brushes inspiring. :)

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 10:22
by hisko
Hi Malcooning, or Asafaga,

Your drawings are amazing. Are they really completely made in tv-paint?
In that case I would really like to know which tool (incl. settings) and paper you used, especially in the 5th drawing from above, the watercolor/chalk-look in the background).
I would really appreciate it a lot if you can tell me, because I'm still not satisfied with the tools that I've created to make the shadows of the characters in my new film.
I'm sure that others are just as curious as me.
Are you so satisfied with the tablet-pc that you'll stop drawing with your wacom entirely?
And how is the speed of the tablet-pc? Can you handle large files? (Sometimes my scenes are 3 GB big).
And how is the pressure sensitivity?

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 11:53
by ZigOtto
I like particulary those like "Ya+house" and "+salut",
I'm very appreciative of the freedom feeling they radiate.
keep them coming.

about your tablet-PC, 3 technical questions :

- doesn't it turn too warm after a long drawing session ?
- do you use cotton gloves (cut fingers?) to prevent hand's sweat and "grubby" screen ?
- how long is the power autonomy ?

thanks for your feedback. :)

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 15:50
by malcooning
Thanks for the comments people. I appreciate this.

The washy look on the image you refered to was achieved with the FreeHandFill tool. I didn't use custom brushes at all. I just layered it on with low opacity shapes. I've recorded a quick tutorial on this and am trying to upload it to a video website. Once it's finished I'll embed it here.

As for the tablet, I'm definitely enjoying it as a tool, and mine has good specs too. But cannot beat the experience of sitting in front of 24" screen at a distance (good for back) and drawing on a A4 table. I got the tablet because I currently am away from my desktop computer and the intuos tablet (they will get here hopefully in a month time), and for drawing outside my working space. As for animating in it, it's mainly for sketchy stuff, and motion ideas. I don't want to animate on a 1280x768 as there will be too many tools on screen, and the use of keyboard is irreplaceable. TabletPC are after all not as rigid as the manufacturers claim them to be, so my desktop setup, in a sense, can take much more abuse.
The speed is ok, but nothing like having an internal RAID setup for you scratch. Here I'm using an external drive via eSATA, which is better than firewire, but still leaves you desiring more.
Pressure sensitivity is ok, at the most of its spectrum. But at the beginning of the press, i.e. when you are just caressing the glass, there's some dead area before the sensitivy engages and a mark is registered on the screen. Saying that, I'm still using the pen that came with the tablet so if I switch to one of the old Wacom pens this might improve.

- most of the screen doesn't really heats up. There's one corner (the one close to the power switch) though that gets quite hot in high CPU times, which is slightly annoying but nice in winter :)
- I don't use gloves to draw. I don't like the smoothness of the hands against the glass. Maybe it's something you get used to, but in the meantime I prefer just to wipe the screen as needed (the glass is hard and scratch resistant). I don't get sweat, more like the oil from skin gets smeared on slowly.
- I have an 8 cell battery on my tablet, and once out of the socket it lasts for about 4-4.5 hours.

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 18:16
by Yojimbo
While working at a movie studio, a friend there got a Canon HV20 and so we hooked it up to a Glidecam (steadycam) rig and did some tests shots in cinematic style using the 24P mode. We did shots going up stairs and down, trucking around the subject and following the walking subject. Some of the stuff looked better than some things we shot on 35m film. Amazing little camera.

Your drawings look really natural. If someone said they were done without digital, I'd believe it.

Posted: 24 Nov 2007, 21:46
by JohnArtbox
Lovely images.
And the video with the moth is beautiful, such a simple idea and the music is magical.