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TVPaint 44 Khz audio?

Posted: 29 Sep 2007, 20:54
by Yojimbo
Is TVPaint loading audio at 44 Khz? NO matter what I do it seems when I load in a sound file I can hear a pronounced distortion compared to the original. It also puts a loud pop at the beginning. I can only equate the distortion to something I encountered in the past with DV audio (48 Khz) being used in Adobe Premiere which only used 44Khz audio. Everytime the sound was loaded in Premiere, that distortion was apparent.

Posted: 02 Oct 2007, 09:00
by ematecki

TVPaint loads the sound at the sampling rate of the file.
How big is your file ? Can you post it here, or send it to me privately if you prefer ?

The pop is something I did look into often, but I was never able to reproduce it on my computer. Maybe this time ?


Posted: 06 Oct 2007, 20:55
by Yojimbo
The Wav file is large and I don't think I can post it here.

Still, here's what I found out. I made the wave file at both 16/44 and 16/48. It doesn't matter which one load, it has the pop at the beginning. But the 44 Khz wav file sounds correct after that. The 48 Khz wav file sounds distorted an "digtal".

If I play the files in a normal player they both sound fine.

It seems I can zip them up and then upload them so I will try that when I get the chance.

Posted: 08 Oct 2007, 07:21
by ematecki
Can't you just cut out a few secs (enough to clearly hear the bug) and upload that.
For my test, as long as the errors are still here, I don't need more.


Posted: 08 Oct 2007, 07:41
by Yojimbo
They weren't as big as I thought. Only 5 MB each. But I need to get to a Windows machine to zip them up. Can't upload a wav file.

Posted: 08 Oct 2007, 10:00
by ZigOtto
why not using Stuffit to zip your .wave file ?
afaik, stuffit allows the user to choose between .sit and .zip compression,
eventually, try the shareware MacZip utility.

Posted: 09 Oct 2007, 07:40
by ematecki
Or use the command line (everybody should learn to use the command line :)

Open a terminal window (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal),
and type :

Code: Select all

cd /the/folder/with/the/files
tar cvfz outputfilename.tgz  *.wav
This will generate a compressed tar archive of all .wav files in that folder.
If you have other wav files there, just type the name of the two useful ones instead of *.wav

tgz archives can be opended natively by MacOSX and winzip can open them too.


Posted: 19 Oct 2007, 00:32
by Yojimbo
Well, you know how on the Mac, everything is easier than you expect? Apparently you can select a couple of files, right click and choose "make archive". Instant zip file. ;)

Posted: 19 Oct 2007, 07:24
by ematecki
Huh, you got me on this one :)

It is SO easy I didn't know it myself !

I'll have a look (or better an ear) to it today.