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LINE BOIL FX added to FX Stack

Posted: 07 Feb 2025, 14:34
by D.T. Nethery
In this topic there is discussion of how to use Displacement Mapping FX to apply a "Line Boil" effect: ... 87#p137287
daninski wrote: 26 Jun 2019, 10:18 I sometimes use Turbulence displacement in AE to create a fake boil when I have a clean ink line. Is there an equivalent effect in TVP ?
A useful New Feature in TVPaint would be a "Line Boil" FX added to the FX Stack as a standard feature, so a range of selected frames could have line boil turbulence applied to it and there is a sliding percentage scale to adjust the amount of line boil. Currently, it is possible for users to create their own customized line boil FX and save them to the FX Bin, but it would be more convenient to have a pre-set "Line Boil" FX .