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TVP 12 Suggestions & Request

Posted: 06 Jul 2024, 23:24
by Chillrobski
Feature Request:

While I love all of the new features in TVP 12 below is a list of suggestions which might help to will make TVPaint even greater in the future!

Layer interpolation:
Layers that I can set interpolation keys to without bones similar to Adobe Animate and After Effects. They would include translate X,Y, and Z rotating, scaling and opacity
adjustments. Making TVPaint the bitmap version of Adobe Animate or animation basic After Effects with the ability to draw animation would be game changing! These additions will be helpful to many animators in all disciplines such as motion design, feature film, TV animation, game animation and more!

1. Draw a ball with a star.
2. Move it rotate it and scale it bigger.
3. Change the opacity at the end of the motion.
4. Set easing for all animation properties.

Parent layers with interpolation:
Select layer with image and parent it to another. Additionally, select and parent a layer with animation to another layer with animation similar to
Adobe Animate symbols or After Effects layer pre-comps.

1. Draw a head on one layer.
2. Draw a hat.
3. Parent the two layers together.
3. Animate them with keys!

Set interpolation keys to deformation tool:
Use the perspective or a deformation tool (EX. see After Effects puppet tool) to set interpolation keys on a drawn object.

1. Draw hair.
2. Apply deformation mesh.
3. Move hair and set keys as I wish.

TVPaint to Maya Importer:
Export compressed scene to Autodesk Maya similar to the After Effect export feature. No layers needed! All can be compressed to one layer for
easier import. Lots of animators like to draw their motion reference in TVPaint then import it into Maya for reference.

Select Copy Paste Into Instance
Simply selection part of a an image and pasting it into another without making a new frame.

Ai Advertisement
Advertising that TVPaint does not sell artist data to Ai farms would be reassuring.

iPad Version of TVPaint:
An iPad version of TVPaint would be WONDERFUL!!!! I’d gladly purchase that!

Forum Roadmap Board
A road map board will give users insight on all the great features and updates TVPaint will offer or fix in the future.

Thank you TVP team for your time and consideration of these suggestions. I really appreciate all of the great work you put into this great drawing app!

Re: TVP 12 Suggestions & Request

Posted: 07 Aug 2024, 22:33
by petescalzitti
1000% agree on the iPad Pro version- that would be such a DREAM

Re: TVP 12 Suggestions & Request

Posted: 08 Aug 2024, 09:21
by Dean
Hello Chillbroski,
the first part of your suggestions sounds very interesting but difficult to make possible without vector layers (something we plan to add in the longer term), as some of your ideas are beyond the Keyframer's current capabilities.
It would indeed be very nice to have simplified layer "parenting" to use some tools on multiple layers simultaneously without selection or grouping. I will discuss this with team.

The Maya import thing sounds good but we would have to take a look into their file formats. This is actually one of the only times I have seen someone ask for Maya import!

Developing an iPad version requires a completely different set of tools and takes a lot of time, a TVPaint iPad version won't come out in the short term so please be patient.

A public roadmap is not something we are considering at the moment, because an usual situation is that some users learn that we are working on improvements in which they are not really interested in and think that we are neglecting some other tools, while a lot of functionalities are interconnected and it is often necessary to primarily modify one block so other can be worked on safely. It would also give out a lot of information to our competitors.

Regarding AI: it is true that TVpaint hasn't taken an official stance on it yet, however I can assure you that we all hate it.
Last week, I was happy to read a marketing study which explained that "AI" has already become a "dirty word", which makes potential buyers less likely to purchase, along the lines of "NFT" or other web3 madness we got in recent years :)

Re: TVP 12 Suggestions & Request

Posted: 08 Aug 2024, 12:33
by D.T. Nethery
Chillrobski wrote: 06 Jul 2024, 23:24 Select Copy Paste Into Instance
Simply selection part of a an image and pasting it into another without making a new frame.
This would be a good feature , but in the meantime you can Select and Copy to Brush . You could select part of an image on a previous (or following) frame , then Copy to Brush, then Stamp in Place to place it in the exact same place or freehand stamp the copied image wherever you want it placed in another frame.
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 8.26.14 AM.jpg
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 8.26.14 AM.jpg (23.7 KiB) Viewed 8682 times
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 8.26.47 AM.jpg
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 8.26.47 AM.jpg (46.9 KiB) Viewed 8682 times

The Copy & Paste function I would also like to see is when we copy an image from outside TVPaint , then we have the image in the Clipboard. Currently the option is there to Paste Image From Clipboard to a New Layer , but it would be very useful to have the option of Past Clipboard to Current Layer.


NOTE to TVPaint Developers about the Tool Tip for 'Stamp In Place' : it would read better in English if it said "The current brush will be applied to the frame at the same coordinates at which it was copied." Delete the words "or cuted" ... this is one of those odd English language usages, because past tense of cut is cut , not cutted. (and not "cuted")

Tool Tip for Stamp In Place.jpg
Tool Tip for Stamp In Place.jpg (27.15 KiB) Viewed 8679 times

Re: TVP 12 Suggestions & Request

Posted: 09 Aug 2024, 05:24
by Chillrobski
Hi and thank you Dean, petescalzitti and DT. Nethery! I truly appreciate your time and responses.

@Dean…As for a Maya importer, many animators I’ve worked with will 2D animate in TVPaint, import the PNGs into Maya and match the rig poses and timing to their test. Having a Maya importer in addition to the After Effects importer would be incredible! Thanks again for your consideration of these ideas and your thoughtful reply.

@ DT I’ll definitely follow your advice and thank you for all the great tutorials!

Lastly to the art community, please support and purchase this great animation and illustration software! The developers at TVPaint truly are in tuned with human artist and are dedicated to making TVPaint a great 2D animation app! BTW, I’m not affiliated with TVPaint. I’m only a loyal customer who has been helped tremendously by owning this app in my career. All the best to everyone and I look forward to future TVPaint updates! Take care!