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my small tools for anime animator

Posted: 17 Oct 2023, 10:12
by Markxu
hello beautiful TVP people,
this is a small and simple scripts sets I made to suit my own workflow, It's really simple ( since I am not a programmer). but I want to share it since someone might find it useful. they are tools that help you bypass the native delete/ apply shape and toggle between drawing mode.

each script and the function are like this:

1. apply shape - basically after any of your transform, it will auto clear the lasso/box selection window and goes back to the brush you were using. I usually assign a key or one of my stylus button so I don't use the native confirm button

2. delete it - it combine 2 buttons into one, if you have no selection on a drawing, it will clear the whole drawing, if you have a selection on a part of your drawing, it will clear what's in the selection and switch back to your previous brush. i assigned a key to this so I don't use the native delete button.

3. Mark freehand & 3pts - this is for anime animators, it will toggle the drawing mode between the freehand mode and 3pts spline tool, I assigned it to one key so I don't need to press the key buttons for the freehand and 3pts spline back and forth

4. Mark advanced freehand & 3 pts - this is the same thing, but instead of just toggle between the freehand and 3pts spline, it will also automatically change the line size based on the mode, since if you are drawing with preasure on, you will get different line width between the freehand and 3pts spline, this tool sets the freehand penbrush to 2 px and 3pts curve in 1 px, also, 8 px for freehand pencil and 5 px for 3pts curve pencil, UNFORTUNATELY, I am not smart enough to extract current tool's line width as integers, so the line width are fixed. you may change the script how ever you like to fix the issue.

5. Mark freehand & fill - same as mark freehand & 3pts, but it toggle between freehand and freehand fill mode. I assigned to a key so instead of pressing two buttons back and forth I press one only.

6. toggle lock current layer - as the name suggests, TBH I don't really use this tool.

Thanks everyone! 感谢大家捧场!

Note: I had the script running on TVP 11.5, so unfortunately I can't say if it will work 100% on other versions, but it should work since they are very simple script.

Re: my small tools for anime animator

Posted: 19 Oct 2023, 07:54
by NathanOtano
Thanks for sharing :)

Re: my small tools for anime animator

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 05:29
by nehavilash