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A word of Thanks to TVPaint

Posted: 02 Aug 2023, 21:47
by D.T. Nethery
This isn't a tech support issue , but a word of gratitude to TVPaint for user-friendly features like the Peg Holes Registration. So easy to use , so accurate.

I spent a frustrating couple of hours earlier today trying to get the Peg Holes alignment function in another (not to be named) software to work properly on a student's scanned drawings. What would usually take me only about 20 seconds in TVPaint was a long series of try , try, and try again in the other software , with error messages "Auto-centering has failed" popping up on every other drawing. (the same set of scanned drawings that were easily registered using TVPaint).

Also, I appreciate TVPaint allowing me the option to use my MacOS System File Requester , not forcing me to use some alien Windows-like file and folder interface for loading or saving work.

Little things that are easy to take for granted until I realize how difficult some other softwares make it to do simple things.